extract data from table matlab
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Emanuele De Astis
am 30 Jan. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb
am 1 Feb. 2021

for a job I have to extract information from this table, in particular I want to have a new table with only the information regarding T001, T002, T003, T004 (third coloumn) there is a quick way to do this on matLab. Thanks I have recently used it
This is what i do
0 Kommentare
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 30 Jan. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb
am 1 Feb. 2021
More than likely you don't need to actually build a new table for each; instead use grouping variables to process the column by value.
tSensor=rowfun(@mean,S,'GroupingVariables',{'Sensor'},'InputVariables',{'Reading'}, ...
I've presumed column names for the variables in columns based on your variable names above; match to suit what you have in the table.
Rightfully, you should be able to input the data with the date/time interpreted as a MATLAB datetime variable in which case the Date column will be a single column, not two. Otherwise, combine the two into a datetime and replace the two original columns.
This could be the place for a timetable instead of a regular table as well.
I also presumed to just compute the global average for each sensor over the full dataset; you could also group by a time increment such as hourly, daily, weekly, ... where retime and a timetable would be quite handy.
The function can also do multiple statistics or whatever is wanted; there are examples in the documenation for rowfun to show how.
5 Kommentare
am 30 Jan. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb
am 30 Jan. 2021
Don't attach images; can't read them with my geezer-aged eyes.
As said, attaching a sample dataset would let folks do something specific.
Why are you working with a copy of the table instead of the table itsefl? There's no point in duplicating data just for the sake of duplication.
The above problem is the type of the 'Sensor' variable isn't one of those in the list that is allowed for a grouping variable -- what is it? Surely looks like a categorical, string or cellstr() would be appropriate for it from what we can see here.
S.Sensor=categorical(S.Sensor); % convert to categorical variable
The above may need to convert to a cellstr() first; it's simply not possible to know what, precisely without having the data in hand.
Attach a .mat file containing S or the input file itself to go back to the beginning.
Weitere Antworten (2)
am 30 Jan. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb
am 31 Jan. 2021
That's messy...that they didn't put the data into separate columns makes it rougher...almost do have to separate out the T sensors from the M whatever-they-ares to do anything useful. Could separate into another column; for demo here since it's only T you show above I just split them out...
Here's about how I'd go about it with that input file as starting point:
opt=detectImportOptions('milin.txt','ReadVariableNames',0); % first get an import object
opt.VariableNames={'Date','Sensor','Value'}; % set variable names for those wanted
opt.SelectedVariableNames=opt.VariableNames; % and read only them
opt.ExtraColumnsRule='ignore'; % and don't add other variables
M=readtable('milin.txt',opt); % now read the table
The above gives us
>> head(M)
>> [head(M);tail(M)]
ans =
16×3 table
Date Sensor Value
____________________ ________ _________
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M017'} {'ON' }
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M009'} {'ON' }
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M017'} {'OFF' }
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M019'} {'ON' }
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M009'} {'OFF' }
16-Oct-0009 00:01:00 {'M019'} {'OFF' }
16-Oct-0009 00:08:00 {'M020'} {'ON' }
16-Oct-0009 00:08:00 {'M020'} {'OFF' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'D001'} {'CLOSE'}
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M001'} {'OFF' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M003'} {'ON' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M002'} {'OFF' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M027'} {'OFF' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M027'} {'ON' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M003'} {'OFF' }
06-Jan-0010 12:48:00 {'M003'} {'ON' }
as starting point. NB: the import function recognized the datetime first column altho I did have to fix the display format in Excel that seemed to only be time. That's up to you what detail you need/don't...
M=M(contains(M.Sensor,'T'),:); % save only the 'T' sensors for now
M.Sensor=categorical(M.Sensor); % turn sensor into categorical variable
M.Value=str2double(M.Value); % and data into numeric
meanBySensor=rowfun(@mean,M,'InputVariables',{'Value'}, ...
'GroupingVariables',{'Sensor'}, ...
is the example of operating by sensor globally...
>> format bank,format compact
>> meanBySensor
meanBySensor =
2×3 table
Sensor GroupCount SensorMeans
______ __________ ___________
T001 6734.00 22.25
T002 5539.00 21.09
gives the above table.
To illustrate multiple variables grouping, lets do by DOW...
[DOW,WKDY]=weekday(M.Date); % first get the ordinal dow, weekday name for table
[~,wkdays]=weekday(1:7); % generate weekday names for a week
wkdays=circshift(string(wkdays),-1); % put in sequential order begin Sunday
M.DOW=categorical(string(WKDY),wkdays); % and add to the table
meanBySensor_DOW=rowfun(@mean,M,'InputVariables',{'Value'}, ...
'GroupingVariables',{'Sensor','DOW'}, ...
>> meanBySensor_DOW
meanBySensor_DOW =
14×4 table
Sensor DOW GroupCount SensorMeans
______ ___ __________ ___________
T001 Sun 927.00 22.58
T001 Mon 978.00 22.50
T001 Tue 986.00 21.81
T001 Wed 1070.00 22.01
T001 Thu 1053.00 22.62
T001 Fri 852.00 22.17
T001 Sat 868.00 22.03
T002 Sun 753.00 21.43
T002 Mon 797.00 21.34
T002 Tue 788.00 20.71
T002 Wed 867.00 20.83
T002 Thu 884.00 21.39
T002 Fri 736.00 21.04
T002 Sat 714.00 20.91
9 Kommentare
am 30 Jan. 2021
No problem, but again,
"If that does get you going, please ACCEPT the Answer to let others know is a solution if for no other reason..."
Emanuele De Astis
am 31 Jan. 2021
5 Kommentare
am 31 Jan. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb
am 31 Jan. 2021
Oh...I had forgotten about the problem in that data file.
One of the comments to the above script I wrote when first posted it was--
". NB: the import function recognized the datetime first column altho I did have to fix the display format in Excel that seemed to only be time. That's up to you what detail you need/don't..."
If there is no date in the time field it will barf, indeed. That's a problem with the input file can't fix in MATLAB; only by correcting the input file to also show the date besides the time.
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