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How to divide plotted circles in a certain number of pieces depending on the radius of the circle

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to seperate circles with different radius into a certain number of equal pieces.
  • The radius of the next circle is always double the radius of the current circle.
  • All circles have the common coordinates x=0 and y=0. The first circle (radius=1) is only one piece. The second circle (radius=2) is divided in two pieces and so on.
  • The pieces are so distributed that the top piece would be dived by a line drawn from the coordinates (0,0) to the coordinates (0,Radius*2*x)
  • The radius of the last circle should be adjustable
  • The amount of pieces in the last circle should be counted
My current code is not working and I don´t know what to do because it is my first time using MATLAB.
My code is not working as I want but I don't know what's wrong and how I should add the missing operations which are still missing. I would be very thankful if there's someone who wants to help me.
My current code:
function plot_circle(rr,xm,ym,xx,yy,str_)
plot(rr*xx+xm,rr*yy+ym,str_) % first circle
unterteiler = 32; %amount of points which create the different circles
tt = linspace(0,2*pi,unterteiler+1); %divides the circles in several "pieces"
yy = -cos(tt);xx=sin(tt); %calculates the coordinates of the circles
plot_circle(rr,0,rr,xx,yy,'b'); %plots the first circle in blue
hold on
%for k=1:5
for k=1:4
plot_circle(rr,0,rr,xx,yy,'r.'); %plots all nexts circles with red points
faktor=rr/(1/pi) %calculates the current factor of the radius for the current circle
Winkel=(360/faktor)/180*pi %calculates the arc measure of all pieces
koordinatex1=sin(Winkel/2)*rr %calculates the x coordinate for the first piece
koordinatey1=-cos(Winkel/2)*rr %calculates the y coordinate for the first piece
plot(koordinatex1,koordinatey1) %plots the first point
hold on
for m=Winkel:Winkel:360-faktor*Winkel %this should plot the points for all missing pieces; the amount of pieces depends on the factor
hold on

Antworten (1)

Shubham Khatri
Shubham Khatri am 5 Feb. 2021
Bearbeitet: Shubham Khatri am 5 Feb. 2021
Please take a look at the following code. You can modify the maximum radius value by changing r_max.The variable r can be used to pull out the number of piece.
r_max = 256;
while (r<r_max)
orig_x = 0;
orig_y = 0;
cx = orig_x;
cy = orig_y+r;
numPoints = 256;
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,256);
x_coord = cx+r*cos(theta);
y_coord = cy+r*sin(theta);
X_mat = reshape(x_coord,[],r);
Y_mat = reshape(y_coord,[],r);
r = r*2;
hold on
hold off
Hope it helps

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