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How to simulate a electric filter in Simulink?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
mohamed ali
mohamed ali am 10 Jan. 2021
Beantwortet: mohamed ali am 11 Jan. 2021
I have ben triang to simulte this circuit but an error occured and the error is :
Solver encountered an error while simulating model 'simulations' at time 0 and cannot continue. Please check the model for errors.
Solver could not solve the system of algebraic equations because a singular iteration matrix was encountered. Consider providing more accurate initial conditions. If the problem persists, check the model structure and values of parameters.
Does anyone have solved some error like tht before?

Antworten (2)

Jonas am 11 Jan. 2021
You have grounded the output of the opamp behind the voltage sensor block. The voltage sensor block has zero impedance. You should add a resistor or something between the voltage sensor and the grounding block. Otherwise the opamp can't do anything.
I would also check the rest of the circuit, because I do not see a feedback loop.
  2 Kommentare
mohamed ali
mohamed ali am 11 Jan. 2021
I have done what you suggested and the same error arised again.
Their is no a feedback loop, the aim of the simulation is to measure the output voltage of the filter.
Jonas am 11 Jan. 2021
Can you share your model here, please?

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mohamed ali
mohamed ali am 11 Jan. 2021
Here it is.


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