How to find the occurrence of x as a function of time of day?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Ara am 3 Mär. 2013
Hi Everyone,
For the past few hours I've been trying to find solution to my problem, but I still no progress. The situation is this: I have a column data named x with size of (5357x1)that all are integer. Time is also defined as a column with same size. what I want is,
1) To plot the occurrence of this column as a function of time of day? such a this plot will help me to know if there is a preferred time of day when they occur.
2) To count x>0.2 and give the exact numbers of it ultimately plot it.
Any help shall be highly appreciated.
  2 Kommentare
Miroslav Balda
Miroslav Balda am 3 Mär. 2013
You described well the vector x, but not the time vector. If the name of the vector be 'timeofday' you may plot it through the command
plot(timeof day,x)
The second issue is a bit more complicated:
I = find(x>.2);
Ara am 3 Mär. 2013
Thanks for helping me. Actually, the first plot you suggested me is a plot that show x vs time. But I want vs of time of day. Because I am going to extend the code for 30 days at 24 hrs. Another question, is there any command to give me the how many x>0.2 are in this column and then count it. Last question is, how I can know how many satellites observed x>.2 with exact number of it. My data define as a excel file with 27 columns; x (0.02-0.8),time(as you named time of day(0-24)), y(numbers of satellite(1-32))and so on. Size are identical.

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