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Function failed to evaluate on array inputs; vectorizing the function may speed up its evaluation and avoid the need to loop over array elements

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I need to create a selection of plots for 5 different values of v however with the below code I get a several copies of the same plot as well as the above error message. Does anyone know what is wrong? or a faster way?
a = char('a')
v = 0.0
V = 1+v;
g = @(a) (2048*(V.^4) + 128*(V.^2)*a.^6 + a.^12 + 16*V*sqrt(16384*(V.^6) + 2048*(V.^4)*a.^6 + 80*(V.^2)*a.^12 + a.^18)).^(1/3);
r =@(a) (1/16*V)*( a.^4 + a.^8./g(a) + g(a) );
alpha= @(a) (a/r(a));
A= @(a) 2*pi*(r(a).^2)*(1+sqrt(1-alpha(a).^2));
eps = @(a) 1/2*(A(a)/(4*pi-pi*a.^2)-1);
w = @(a) (1-cos (sin(alpha(a))))*eps(a) + (eps(a).^2);
hold all
%plot w with respect to a between 0.3-0.8 for v=0.00, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04,
%0.05 on seperate graphs
clear v

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