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Where can I find spatial contact force Simscape function? Or library.

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hi guys,
Where can I find spatial contact force simscape function? I do not see the block in Simscape library. I used MATLAB R2019a version. Please help!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Vasco Lenzi
Vasco Lenzi am 7 Okt. 2020
Hi Andy
The official shipping spatial contact forces library comes with Simscape Multibody from 2019b onward. For release prior to 19b you need to download the Contact Forces library from File Exchange.
You can do it directly from the Add-On button on the MATLAB Main Toolstrip.
In my opinion, if possible I would try to upgrade to a more modern release such as 20a or 20b. The shipping contact force is slightly easier to use than the file exchange entry.

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Mehr zu Simscape Multibody finden Sie in Help Center und File Exchange




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