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Matlab does not play well with AutoHotKey; how to fix?

8 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Irl am 16 Jan. 2013
Kommentiert: Irl am 13 Mär. 2014
I use AutoHotKey to automate certain keystrokes (e.g., to get a µ I type alt-m on my Windows laptop). AHK monitors the keyboard input and, when a trigger sequence is recognized, substitutes the key or sequence defined in its script; it's always alive in the background. This works in every application except Matlab. Is there some way to have Matlab use standard keyboard input in the standard way, in particular, to accept the virtual keys dispatched from AHK? (I don't know anything about the internals of AHK beyond what I've deduced from observation.)

Akzeptierte Antwort

hlk am 13 Mär. 2014
This is truely weird. From my observations it used to work quite fine on WinXP with R2011b and 2013b. Now on Win7 it still works in R2013b but not in R2011b. I have to mention though that I never really used it in MATLAB only Simulink but that seems to make no difference.
  1 Kommentar
Irl am 13 Mär. 2014
For historic reasons I am still using R2010a, under Win7. So your answer is congruent with my problem: versions of Matlab earlier than 2012 or thereabouts don't work with AHK under Windows 7. At least if it does work in R2013b there is hope that when I finally get around to upgrading the functionality will re-appear.

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