Vector dimensions in my ode

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Donghun Lee
Donghun Lee am 3 Aug. 2020
Kommentiert: Donghun Lee am 5 Aug. 2020
clc,clear all
k_s = 26400; %spring stiffness
m = 483; %Mass
f_n = sqrt(k_s/m)/(2*pi); %Natural frequency in Hz
%% Road profile
% spatial frequency (n0) cycles per meter
Omega0 = 0.1; %%%%conventional value of spatial frequency(n0)?
% psd ISO (used for formula 8)
Gd_0 = 32 * (10^-6);
% waveviness
w = 2;
% road length
L = 250;
%delta n
N = 1000;
Omega_L = 0.004;
Omega_U = 4;
delta_n = 1/L; % delta_n = (Omega_U - Omega_L)/(N-1);
% spatial frequency band
Omega = Omega_L:delta_n:Omega_U;
%PSD of road
Gd = Gd_0.*(Omega./Omega0).^(-w);
% calculate amplitude using formula(8) in the article
%Amp = sqrt(2*Gd*delta_n); %%%from Eq. 7?
%calculate amplitude using simplified formula(9) in the article
k = 3; %%%upper limit A and lower limit B k=3?
%Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
%random phases
Psi = 2*pi*rand(size(Omega));
% x abicsa from 0 to L
x1 = 0:0.25:250;
h= zeros(size(x1));
%artificial random road profile
for iv=1:length(x1)
h(iv) = sum( Amp.*cos(2*pi*Omega*x1(iv) + Psi) );
%% ode45
T = 120;
x0 = [0,0];
f = @(t,x) [ x(2); -( k_s*(x(1)-h)/ m ) ];
[t, x] = ode45(f,[100,T],x0);
%% plot
Hi, I generated a random road file (h) and tried to apply this in my ode, however it says the vector dimension is not consistent. Can anyone solve this problem please?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens am 3 Aug. 2020
I think the following produces somewhat more sensible results. I was confused for some time because you use x for both distance along the road and for vertical displacement. I've changed the latter to y. See if this does what you want:
k_s = 26400; %spring stiffness
m = 483; %Mass
f_n = sqrt(k_s/m)/(2*pi); %Natural frequency in Hz
%% Road profile
% spatial frequency (n0) cycles per meter
Omega0 = 0.1; %%%%conventional value of spatial frequency(n0)?
% psd ISO (used for formula 8)
Gd_0 = 32 * (10^-6);
% waveviness
w = 2;
% road length
L = 250;
%delta n
N = 100;
Omega_L = 0.004;
Omega_U = 4;
delta_n = 1/L; % delta_n = (Omega_U - Omega_L)/(N-1);
% spatial frequency band
Omega = Omega_L:delta_n:Omega_U;
%PSD of road
Gd = Gd_0.*(Omega./Omega0).^(-w);
% calculate amplitude using formula(8) in the article
%Amp = sqrt(2*Gd*delta_n); %%%from Eq. 7?
%calculate amplitude using simplified formula(9) in the article
k = 3; %%%upper limit A and lower limit B k=3?
%Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
%random phases
Psi = 2*pi*rand(size(Omega));
% x abicsa from 0 to L
x1 = 0:250/(N-1):250;
h= zeros(size(x1));
%artificial random road profile
for iv=1:length(x1)
h(iv) = sum( Amp.*cos(2*pi*Omega*x1(iv) + Psi) );
hx = [x1' h'];
%% ode45
y0 = [0,0];
[t, y] = ode45(@f,x1,y0,[],hx);
%% plot
xlabel('time'),ylabel('vertical displacement')
function dydt = f(t,y,hx)
k_s = 26400; %spring stiffness
m = 483; %Mass
v = 1; % speed along road
x = v*t;
hs = hfn(x,hx);
dydt =[y(2);
-( k_s*(y(1)-hs)/ m )];
function hs = hfn(x, hx)
hs = interp1(hx(:,1),hx(:,2),x);
  1 Kommentar
Donghun Lee
Donghun Lee am 5 Aug. 2020
Yes, this is exactly what I want. Thank you so much for your effort Alan and sorry for being late.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens am 3 Aug. 2020
Bearbeitet: Alan Stevens am 3 Aug. 2020
The problem is here:
f = @(t,x) [ x(2); -( k_s*(x(1)-h)/ m ) ];
When you call this function, x(2) is a single value, but since h is a large vector the the term -( k_s*(x(1)-h)/ m ) has a large number of elements, so you are attempting to create a matrix with one column in the first row and many columns in the second row. Matlab is objecting to this!
I guess you need to make f a function of h as well, and pass in the appropriate single value when you call it.
  12 Kommentare
madhan ravi
madhan ravi am 3 Aug. 2020
Bearbeitet: madhan ravi am 3 Aug. 2020
If you don’t understand something, you can always ask a follow up question, in the SAME thread. Asking the same question multiple times will only be time consuming and will not yield any benefits. Taking into consideration people here are VOLUNTEERS not assignment/problem solvers.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 4 Aug. 2020
I cannot go back and pull out what I already posted to illustrate any last few details, because two earlier threads on the topic were deleted :( Two volunteers spent their time explaining the difficulty to you, and you deleted what they wrote, wasting their time :(

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