Stability Analysis (Dertermining the Limit Cycle)
16 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Macaulay Wright
am 1 Apr. 2020
Kommentiert: Star Strider
am 1 Apr. 2020
I am wanting to use a simple stability analysis technique to determine the limit cycle stability for mu< 0, for my Van Der Pol oscillator. I was ideally attempting to use a phase portrait but I don't know how to produce this in code.
The matlab code I currently have produced for the Van Der Pol oscillation can be seen below.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
% Simulation parameters
DT = 0.01; % Time step
N = 10000; % Number of discrete time points
% Equation parameter
mu = 0.1;
% Declare array to store discrete time samples
x = zeros(1,N);
% Set boundary conditions
x(1) = -0.01;
x(2) = 0.0;
% Simulate using recurrance relation
for i = 3:N
phi = mu*DT/2*(x(i-1)^2-1);
x(i) = x(i-1)*(2-DT^2)/(1+phi) - x(i-2)*(1-phi)/(1+phi);
% Plot
% Calculating angular frequency (omega) using period
[pks,pktimes] = findpeaks(x, (1:N)*DT);
Period = mean(diff(pktimes))
Omega = (2*pi)/Period
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Star Strider
am 1 Apr. 2020
The phase portrait is usually plotted as the function against its derivative. Use the gradient function to calculate the derivative:
plot(x, gradient(x))
Another way is to plot the vector against a delayed version of itself:
Ofst = 5;
plot(x(1:end-Ofst), x(Ofst+1:end))
Both of these produce a reough phase portrait. The gradient version is likely more accurate.
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