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Rotating different parts of the same matrix at different angles using pol2cart and cart2pol.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a code where I can remove a certain region which I am not interested in but in the current configuration, I am using a straight angle however, the path is curved, and that is effecting the results in the optimization part of the code. I executed this part after following discussion in the link. How can I implement the information that I have in terms of "crackline" path to achive removal of that region?
MAT file (File ) is attached which I got from following code:
ysqrtcrackguess = crackline(xsqrtcrackguess);
[Xcrack,Ycrack]=meshgrid(((1:size(verticaldisp,2))-xsqrtcrackguess), ...
inclinangle = atan((previoustipy-ysqrtcrackguess)/...
[thetang,rhoang] = cart2pol(Xcrack,Ycrack);
if (ysqrtcrackguess-crackline(0))<0
[Xang, Yang] = pol2cart(thetang - inclinangle,rhoang);
[Xang, Yang] = pol2cart(thetang + inclinangle,rhoang);
crack = Yang<=intradius & Yang>=-intradius & Xang<=sqrt(intradius^2-Yang.^2);
notcrack = Yang<=(intradius+extradius) & Yang>=-(intradius+extradius) &...
% crack= Ycrack<=intradius & Ycrack>=-intradius & ...
% Xcrack<=sqrt(intradius^2-Ycrack.^2);
region= notcrack & ~crack;
% region= Xang.^2+Yang.^2<=extradius^2 & ~crack;
verticaldispregion = verticaldisp(region);
horizontaldispregion = horizontaldisp(region);
%if statement chooses field which has lesser data in case u and v data in
%the region are not equal
if sum(~isnan(horizontaldispregion))< sum(~isnan(verticaldispregion))
dispregion = horizontaldispregion;
dispregion = verticaldispregion;
verticaldispdata = verticaldispregion(~isnan(dispregion));
horizontaldispdata = horizontaldispregion(~isnan(dispregion));
[theta,rho]=cart2pol(Xang(region), Yang(region));
theta = theta(~isnan(dispregion));
rho = rho(~isnan(dispregion));

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