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Traffic light in driving scenario designer

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
nikhil singh
nikhil singh am 28 Aug. 2019
Kommentiert: Omar Elbadi am 13 Apr. 2022
I have been using the driving scenario designer app lately. I am able to create roads,cars etc. but is there a way to create a traffic light.? Thanks
  4 Kommentare
Liang Liu
Liang Liu am 12 Mai 2020
please refer to the traffic light demo as below:
Omar Elbadi
Omar Elbadi am 13 Apr. 2022
Hi! We are also trying to input traffic lights in our scenarios but do not know how to implement the "traffic light negotiation"? For the documentation, we dont know if this alteration needs to be made in simulink part or. Did you have any luck with this?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Liang Liu
Liang Liu am 12 Mai 2020
please refer to the traffic light demo as below:

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