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Problem with simscape model

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Andrea Ongaro
Andrea Ongaro am 23 Jul. 2019
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
Hi everyone,
i'am a beginner with matlab and simulink, and for a thesis project i'am trying to set some simulations to have base results for the successive experimental tests.
In this specific case, i'am trying to simulate a very simple system, the will become more complex in the successive steps: a force source that is emulating a force given by a compression spring, and i have to verify if the spring force is enough to overcome a load, that is given by the other force source. In the middle i have a Loaded-Contact Translational Friction to simulate the load that i given by a torsional spring on my physical system.
When i try to simulate, i have the errors that are showed in the image, and i don't what is the problem. Could be related to a missing degree of freedom between the 2 sources?
  4 Kommentare
Nikhil Sonavane
Nikhil Sonavane am 5 Aug. 2019
Please share .slx file of your model and not the images.
Andrea Ongaro
Andrea Ongaro am 5 Aug. 2019
I'am sorry, you are right!
Now it's here!

Antworten (1)

Nikhil Sonavane
Nikhil Sonavane am 9 Aug. 2019
From your model I understand that you have not connected any mass blocks to your Loaded Contact Translational Friction block. Without these mass blocks the Loaded Contact Translational Friction block becomes a mass less system and hence cannot converge. I suggest you add these blocks to your model and try again. I have attached the modified model file.
  2 Kommentare
Andrea Ongaro
Andrea Ongaro am 9 Aug. 2019
Thanks a lot for your advice. Can you share the file with the R2018b matlab version? i have some problems in my pc with the R2019a.
Nikhil Sonavane
Nikhil Sonavane am 9 Aug. 2019
Attaching MATLAB R2018b version of your model. I have checked it for MATLAB R2018b version.

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