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Empty thermal liquid tank

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sadeer Al-Rawashdeh
Sadeer Al-Rawashdeh am 11 Jul. 2019
how to have an empty thermal liquid tank with a volume of 0.357 m3 and a radius of 37 cm??
Thank you

Antworten (1)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro am 11 Jul. 2019
Have you looked into Simscape Fluids? They have a built in Thermal Liquid tank block you can parameterize based on specs like the ones you mentioned.
The only work you may need to do is convert the radius to a cross-sectional area parameter (Area = pi*R^2).
- Sebastian
  3 Kommentare
Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro am 11 Jul. 2019
And did you set the initial conditions in the Variables tab to start the tank empty? Because the default values are non-empty so that makes sense unless you change it.
Sadeer Al-Rawashdeh
Sadeer Al-Rawashdeh am 12 Jul. 2019
Yess but if you do so, you'll end up and error about the tank level that it is lower than the inlet height ! how can i fix that?

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