glmfit: deriving x values from the fit and their confidence interval

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Pierre Mégevand
Pierre Mégevand am 2 Aug. 2012
I am using glmfit (MATLAB 7.11.0 R2010b on a Windows 7 64-bit PC) to fit performance data from a psychophysical experiment. Here x represents differing temporal intervals between a beep and a flash being presented to the subjects, y represents the number of "beep first" responses for each temporal interval, and n represents the total number of responses for each interval.
x = [-200; -150; -100; -50; 0; 50; 100; 150; 200];
y = [ 20; 17; 15; 11; 8; 7; 4; 0; 1];
n = [ 20; 18; 19; 20; 20; 17; 20; 20; 19];
b=glmfit(x,[y n],'binomial','link','logit');
I am interested in determining the value of x for a pre-defined value of y/n (e.g. 75% performance), as well as confidence intervals around that x value. Is there a way to do that?
Pierre Megevand

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