Export model as FMU for Cosimulation stand-alone

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Kevin Kühl
Kevin Kühl am 22 Mär. 2019
i need to export a Simulink model as FMU for Cosimulation stand-alone (not FMU for CoSimulation).
Is there a way to do this in MatLab 2018b?
The Tool-Coupling Co-Simulation FMU Export for Simulink seems just to support FMU for CoSimulation.
Thanks in advance

Antworten (2)

Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau am 10 Dez. 2020
Beginning with R2020a, you can export your Simulink model as a standalone FMU with Simulink Compiler. When a third-party tool runs the FMU, no MATLAB or Simulink license will be required.
  1 Kommentar
Christian Bertsch
Christian Bertsch am 10 Dez. 2020
This is great progress. It works for Simulink models with fixed-step solver, not with variable step solvers.

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Christian Bertsch
Christian Bertsch am 15 Jun. 2019
The Tool coupling Co-Simulation is a so called "tool wrapper FMU" with an external dependency to a ML/SL installation or runtime.
For Simulink Models you can create stand-alone FMUs with https://github.com/CATIA-Systems/FMIKit-Simulink using the Simulink coder.
This works for ME FMUs or CS FMUs in case your Simulink model uses a fixed step solver.
  2 Kommentare
Karthikeyan Subramani
Karthikeyan Subramani am 30 Mai 2022
@Christian Bertsch Is it possible to create stand-alone FMU using Variable step solver ?
Christian Bertsch
Christian Bertsch am 30 Mai 2022
Technically I see no problem, but this is a buisiness decision of MathWorks, if and when they want to release such a feature. Please ask your Mathworks contacts for more information. Only Mathworks could create a CS FMU with the original Simulink variable step solver as this is their IP.
(As a workaround, you could export a model exchange FMU (with FMI-Kit https://github.com/CATIA-Systems/FMIKit-Simulink) , import it another tool such as Dymola and re-export it as CS-FMU with a variable step solver. However, this will be a different variable step solver than the original Simulink solver. )

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