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How to create simulink Data dictionary by using a command in a matlab script ?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a Simulink Model block with some entries and outputs.Each Input and output has its Data types.
Apart from this i have an array where in one column i have all the input and output names and on one side i have its corresponding data types (all stored in an array).
From only these data how do i create a simulink data dictionary . How do i choose only this section from the array and create a data dictionary out of it .
For example : 'MyDataDictionary.sldd' containing a column named 'Names' and the next column named 'DataTypes' and all these saved in an sldd format 5all inside amatlab script) .
I want it like an automated script without going into simulink model explorer and then getting the data dictionary.
Any help will be appreciated .

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