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question for a beginner

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Eliraz Nahum
Eliraz Nahum am 22 Sep. 2018
Beantwortet: Star Strider am 22 Sep. 2018
hey, when using syms y(x) do I define both y and x as symbolic? I thought that I have to write it this way - syms y(x) x

Akzeptierte Antwort

Star Strider
Star Strider am 22 Sep. 2018
Not necessarily.
This works:
syms y(x)
y(x) = x^2;
as will this:
syms y x
y(x) = x^2;
while this will throw an error:
syms y
y(x) = x^2;
I default to defining all variables in a syms declaration, just to be safe (and compulsive).

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