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extract array from a matrix

23 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
ADC am 29 Aug. 2018
Kommentiert: ADC am 15 Jan. 2019
I need to extract the arrays from a tab that contain an assigned value for instance on the Matrix A take all the rows with contain the value 10 on the first column How Can I Do???

Akzeptierte Antwort

Christian Heigele
Christian Heigele am 29 Aug. 2018
Logical indexing:
That states which rows you want to select: A(:,1)==10 , with A(cond, :) you access all those who are selected.
  1 Kommentar
ADC am 15 Jan. 2019
very usefull but it doesn't work if for exsample I've the needed to import data like a table...
I got an error when put the operator ==, is there any other way to do it???

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