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Parallel computing for images processing

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Angelo Giuseppe Spinosa
Angelo Giuseppe Spinosa am 16 Aug. 2018
Beantwortet: shital shinde am 15 Feb. 2020
Good morning everyone, I've recently embarked on using the parallel computing toolbox and one problem I'd like to solve concerns a very basic scenario related to images processing. Suppose you have a directory where N different images, which can be distinguished by their name that is in the form of "imgX.jpg" where X is an increasing index, are stored. I want to create a pool of M workers that ought to perform some predefined operations over these images. In particular, the essential tasks that these workers are requested to accomplish are: 1. importing the i-th image 2. creating a filter by using the "fspecial" function 3. filtering the i-th image by employing the filter created at step 2 4. saving the processed image Of course, the list of the tasks may be further extended in the future, depending on what kind of operations are required. I wrote some code from scratch trying to employ a FSM-like structure and fit in with the SPMD model:
workers = Open_Pool(profile, numWorkers);
state = 1;
directory = 'Immagini_Esercizio2/';
list = dir([directory '*.jpg']);
images = cell(1, length(list));
indexImage = 1;
for i = 1 : length(images), images{i} = [directory, list(i).name];
pre = mod(labindex - 2 + numlabs, numlabs) + 1;
post = mod(labindex, numlabs) + 1;
while(indexImage <= length(images))
% fsm update
switch state
case 1
I = imread(images{indexImage});
labSend(I, post, 1);
state = 2;
case 2
H = fspecial('laplacian');
I = labReceive(pre, 1);
labSend(post, I, 1);
labSend(post, H, 2);
state = 3;
case 3
I = labReceive(pre, 1);
H = labReceive(pre, 2);
Out = imfilter(I, H);
results = Out
labSend(post, Out, 3);
state = 4;
case 4
Out = labReceive(pre, 3);
filename = sprintf('risultato%d.jpg', indexImage);
imwrite(Out, filename);
state = 1;
indexImage = indexImage + 1;
In the previous code, "Open_Pool" is a function I created to manage pools of workers (essentially, it allows the creation of M workers by using a specified profile). However, not surprisingly the execution of this code leads to deadlocks because I can't figure out how to enable a proper communication among all the workers. Instead, all the aforementioned steps must be executed orderly in a chain-like fashion.
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 16 Aug. 2018
Please learn to use fullfile() instead of concatenating together parts of filenames.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Aug. 2018
When the states only ever change in plain increments with wrapping back to the beginning after a fixed number, then it is hardly worth using a Finite State Machine approach.
Oh, there might be some point in doing a FSM-ish approach if you were doing pipelined HDL, or were doing real-time work in which the work was pretty well balanced between states. Might even be a point if you were using cooperative multitasking in which you had to deliberately give up control to give the CPU a chance to service mouse interactions or whatever. But not in this situation.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis am 17 Aug. 2018
Rather than using labSend and labReceive inside an spmd block, I would suggest simply re-writing this as a parfor loop where each iteration of the loop loads one file, processes it, and then writes out the result.
  5 Kommentare
shital shinde
shital shinde am 13 Feb. 2020
actually I also try to work with parallelization. I am currently working for digital image processing. Anybody please help me to parallelize the code. I attached the filefor watermarking that i want to make parallel in matlab. please help me for code
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 13 Feb. 2020
When you posted your code in another question I replied back showing you exactly which for to change to parfor

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Weitere Antworten (1)

shital shinde
shital shinde am 15 Feb. 2020
will you please tell me how the above code is work with parfor loop.


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