How to use webread to download numerical data

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
David Koenig
David Koenig am 13 Aug. 2018
Hello. I have data in the form of .mat files in a folder in my Boxnet account. I would like to use a Matlab script to read those .mat files. One of those files is A0#.mat. When I use InternetExplorer to open my Boxnet folder I see
so I assume that is the link to the folder containing A0#.mat.
I have tried
which does not give me an error but it also does not give any data.
I have tried
which gives me an error. Could someone suggest what I am doing incorrectly. Thanks.
  2 Kommentare
David Koenig
David Koenig am 13 Aug. 2018
I am still trying to access data in a Boxnet folder. I notice in the "help webread" example there is the following:
api = '';
url = [api 'country/cru/tas/year/USA'];
When I run the example, it works but when I try to use Internet Explorer to go directly to
I get a "not found" error. Therefore, could someone explain what 'country/cru/tas/year/USA' does or what it is?
Christian Heigele
Christian Heigele am 14 Aug. 2018
With [api 'string'] you are concatting the two strings into:
This address is valid and a `webread('')` should return you a 112x1 struct.

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Christian Heigele
Christian Heigele am 13 Aug. 2018
Most likely your missing your credentials:
options = weboptions('Username','jdoe','Password','mypassword'); webread(url, options);
See for more details.
  1 Kommentar
David Koenig
David Koenig am 13 Aug. 2018
Christian, thanks for your answer. I tried it and it does not work.

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