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How to use datetime to plot a range of dates

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Brandon Bush
Brandon Bush am 20 Jul. 2018
Kommentiert: dpb am 27 Jul. 2018
I am looking to plot data from a range of dates, the code used to plot the data begins after the first for loop, which covers everything until the end of the code. I can use the datetime function to print out all of the days but I am not sure how to implement it in my code to actually plot the entire range of days, which in this case goes from 3-15-17 to 4-4-17. The gauge data is in excel files and the satellite data is in text files which both have the same mm-dd-yr name format. I have an example plot at the bottom of the code for reference. I can clarify anything if needed.
%This code will plot data from a range of dates
%Convert variable year from integer to string
yr2 = num2str(17);
dy2 = num2str(4);
mn2 = num2str(4);
%Create a MMDDYY string
date_str=[mn '-' dy '-' yr];
date_str2=[mn2 '-' dy2 '-' yr2];
for day = datetime(17, 3, 15):datetime(17, 4, 4)
day = datestr(day, 'mm-dd-yy');
%Gauge data location.
gauge_data='C:\Users\bbush\Desktop\Matlab Code\Excel Rain Gauge Data\Daily Rain Accumulation\';
%GOES data location
GOES_loc='C:\Users\bbush\Desktop\Matlab Code\Satellite Rainfall Data\';
%Find GOES data
%Find gauge data
%Read in gauge data
[num,raw] = xlsread(gauge_fn); %Reads all data from excel file where num will eventually just be the RNFL totals
latG = num(:,1);
lonG = num(:,2);
RNFLG = num(:,3);
Gauge = cat(2,latG,lonG);
% read in Satellite data
fid = fopen(GOES_fn);
data = textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f','HeaderLines',0,'CollectOutput',1);
data = data{:};
fid = fclose(fid);
% retrieve columns
latS = data(:,1);
lonS = data(:,2);
RNFLS = data(:,3);
Satellite = cat(2,latS,lonS);
gLon =-83.275:0.025:-82.85;
gLat = 35.3:0.025:35.8;
Z = griddata(lonS,latS,RNFLS,gLon,gLat');
z = log2(Z);
load rainmap
cmap = colormap(rainmap);
rainmap = rainmap(2:2:end,:); %Gets ten RGB triplets
levels = 2.^(-3:7); %11 levels
%Plot satellite contours
hold on
caxis([-3 7])
%Plot the Gauge data on top
%Plot No RNFL
idx = find(RNFLG==0);
plot(lonG(idx),latG(idx),'o','Color','k','LineWidth',0.5,'MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerSize',6); %Empty circle
%Plot Small amount of RNFL
idx = find(RNFLG>0 & RNFLG<0.1250);
plot(lonG(idx),latG(idx),'o','Color','k','MarkerFaceColor','k','MarkerSize',6); %Black circle
for r=1:10 %Ten RGB triplets for coloring rainfall totals
idx = find(RNFLG>levels(r) & RNFLG<levels(r+1)); %Find rainfall totals between level ranges
clr = rainmap(r,:);
idx = find(RNFLG>levels(r+1)); %Find rainfall totals greater than the level range
clr = rainmap(r,:);
hold off
cbh = colorbar ; %Create Colorbar
cbh.Ticks = linspace(-3, 7, 11) ; %Create 11 ticks from -3 to 7
cbh.TickLabels = num2cell(levels); %Replace the labels of the ticks with the values in level
title([date_str,' RNFL Comparison'])
c = load('coast');
hold on;
u = load('us_state_map.mat');
xlim([-83.27 -82.88])
ylim([35.33 35.77])
Ive also attached three rain gauge files and three satellite files if anyone is interested in trying themselves.
  4 Kommentare
dpb am 23 Jul. 2018
Ah! I see the attached files...on reflection I see that's what you described but not quite what I imagined. :) However, it's not that far off to do what I had in mind I think, let me play for a few minutes or so...
Brandon Bush
Brandon Bush am 23 Jul. 2018
I found this page...
the code here lets me plot the data and import the data all the same but only for one file specified by date_str. I cant get it to work for the range of files that I want. it just puts the data from the one file in the mydata cell array the number of times specified by numfiles.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

dpb am 23 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: dpb am 24 Jul. 2018
OK, since this is so much altered from the first Q? that I thought was being asked, I'll just make it a second entirely independent Answer. I think the above is still potentially useful first to show how to manipulate the strings to get datetimes from and also to extend and pick up for the sanity check on matching files.
The attached m-file ran here without all the .mat files I don't have so I presume it will run when given those as inputs. I didn't refactor as much as really should be; I left the existing variables as are to simply be able to leave your code for all the plot stuff.
I did move the loop-invariant stuff (what of it I saw, anyway) out of the loop up to the top.
Overall, there isn't really anything changed except to use dir and loop through the returned file list. I didn't really try to check if the file-specific labelling or anything like that works; without being able to run to completion with the missing files that was more than cared to try to patch to debug.
You could simplify the plotting quite a bit by the use of histc or, with some machinations, the new histcounts and/or discretize
The idea is something like
bins=[0 eps levels]; % add zero and <levels(1) bins to levels specified
[n,bin]=histc(G.Accumulation,bins); % find bins
Then you can assign colors to each point by the bin number and make a single call to scatter with that color vector. The colors vector does have to be augmented to cover the two other bins of zero ('w') and nonzero but less than first level ('k') but that's simple enough. Also, histc adds one RH bin to catch any exceedance of the last edge; if it is certain that is a never-occurring event then you can discard it.
  17 Kommentare
Brandon Bush
Brandon Bush am 26 Jul. 2018
I haven't taken a look at the bins yet because I am working on another part of the project. Once all is said and done I will be able to come back and try to simplify the code using the methods above
dpb am 27 Jul. 2018
Ah-so! I interpreted the "plots as wanted" as thinking were done...I didn't get a round tuit on converting to scatter here, either! :)

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Weitere Antworten (1)

dpb am 23 Jul. 2018
Bearbeitet: dpb am 23 Jul. 2018
Try this as outline to retrieve the files desired between two dates...
D1=datetime("3/15/2017"); D2=datetime("3/16/2017"); % set the desired date range
d=dir('*-*-*.xlsx'); % return the list of all files
dn=datetime(extractBefore(cellstr(char(,'.'),'InputFormat','M-d-yy'); % get datetime array
d=d(ismember(dn,datetime(D1:D2))); % save only those between D1, D2
for i=1:length(d) % iterate over those desired only
g=readtable(d(i).name); % read into a table..
g.RG_=categorical(g.RG_); % turn the RG# into categorical
For illustration in going forward, the above leaves you with
>> g(1:4,:)
ans =
4×4 table
RG_ Lat Lon Accumulation
_____ ______ _______ ____________
RG002 35.425 -82.971 0
RG003 35.385 -82.916 0
RG004 35.368 -82.99 0
RG005 35.409 -82.965 4.6595
on each step; I'm not sure precisely what to do inside the loop for each day??? Now, again, this presently is overwriting the variable g ( for "gauge", original huh? :) ) so 'splain zackly what it is that is being plotted; are all of these points on one figure for all times or just what?
If get that clear, then it's probably pretty simple to do what needed...
NB: The D1, D2 values are simply the user-set limits desired; set them in whatever input format is wanted for the UI.
NB2: The same idea works for the .txt files with same naming scheme, of course. You could make the presumption that if you find one set you'll find the other and just open the alternate by changing extension but it's probably more robust to do the directory scan up front and compare first for the user if aren't commensurate sets.
  5 Kommentare
dpb am 23 Jul. 2018
OK....I'm beginning to get the picture... :) I was totally off-base from the git-go here of what the issue(s) were, sorry for the distractions.
In that case I will go look at the function; I thought it was basically immaterial to the problem at hand; I think some factoring there may help but probably it can work almost as is...
Brandon Bush
Brandon Bush am 23 Jul. 2018
No problem, thank you for all your help.

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