How can i call class from a function?

66 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Michael Simonovski
Michael Simonovski am 29 Jun. 2018
Kommentiert: Rik am 30 Jun. 2018
i have a class with private properties and public methods to change the properties.
I want to call the methods of the class from a function in another m.File and change the methods.
At the end a function display should return a value. Something like this:
How can it be done?
Thank you in advance!
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 29 Jun. 2018
Don't you mean something like this?
fprintf('The speed of the car is %.0f\n',value)
Or do you want to change the class itself and modify the method for all objects of that class?
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Michael Simonovski
Michael Simonovski am 29 Jun. 2018
Bearbeitet: Michael Simonovski am 29 Jun. 2018
The function should call a constructor of the class. The function is not a part of this class!
The constructor has three inputs, all another values are set to zero. At the end a function of the class should be called to return values, not to print it. Something like {//... return value; } in C++. For example: value=dispspeed(classcar); a=10; value+a; ->100; How the method functionbody should look like?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Rik am 29 Jun. 2018
You should really have a look at the documentation of how you write classes in Matlab, starting for example here.
With the code below in a file called 'car.m', you can call aCar=car(3);aCar.showSpeed and it will disp the speed.
classdef car
function obj = car(set_speed)
if nargin>0
function obj = setSpeed(obj,set_speed)
function showSpeed(obj)
  4 Kommentare
Michael Simonovski
Michael Simonovski am 30 Jun. 2018
Bearbeitet: Michael Simonovski am 30 Jun. 2018
The code of the car should be with private properties and public methods:
classdef car
properties (Access = private)
methods (Access = public)
function obj = car(set_speed)
if nargin>0
function obj = setSpeed(obj,set_speed)
function showSpeed(obj)
%%Another m.File:
function [output]=func(input)
%How to call the constructor and other methods to
change the private properties?
%How to setting a local variable in this function to the speed value?
For example value=showSpeed(obj);
Rik am 30 Jun. 2018
You don't need to explicitly call the constructor. If you want to change the private properties, just change them inside a method. The showSpeed method doesn't return a value. Just use the getter I describe in the comment above. Then you can simply use the syntax I describe.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 29 Jun. 2018
i have a class with private properties and public methods to change the properties.
I want to call the methods of the class from a function
Up to this point I follow you. That's easy.
and change the methods.
I don't understand what you're asking here. I suspect you want to change the value of the property without having to return the modified object from the method. If so, you'd want your object to be a handle class. See this documentation page for a discussion of the difference between handle and value classes.
At the end a function display should return a value. Something like this:
If what I guessed about you wanting to use a handle class is not correct, can you explain in a bit more detail exactly how you want instances of your car class to behave?
  2 Kommentare
Michael Simonovski
Michael Simonovski am 29 Jun. 2018
Bearbeitet: Michael Simonovski am 29 Jun. 2018
1. Call a constructor
function obj = classnew(valuea, valueb)
%The value should not be returned at this point!
function Output(obj)
?? %At this point i do not know how the body of the function should look like!
The display function should output one or two of the properties. I know that in c++ it could be done with return a;
But how it could be done in Matlab?
Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 30 Jun. 2018
The constructor for a class and methods of that class are each functions, and can be called just like any other function (with a few exceptions.) The main exception is that to call a method, at least one of the inputs must be an instance of the class for which the method is defined. [I'm ignoring Static methods for purposes of this discussion.]
The easiest way to access properties of an object inside a function is to use dot notation. Basically, inside a function that is not inside the class you can only access public properties. Inside a class method (which as I said above is a function) you can access private properties as well.
function displayObject(obj)
fprintf('Property a of the object: %d\n', obj.a);
If you want to return the property, just assign the property to a variable.
function y = returnPropertyA(obj)
y = obj.a;
Note that you need to refer to the variable obj. This is particularly important if a method accepts two or more instances of the class, like:
function y = plus(obj1, obj2)
y = obj1.a + obj2.a;

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