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saving figures using saveas

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mason am 11 Jun. 2012
When I have a matlab figure open and I use the dropdown menu to save the figure as a JPEG, everything works fine and the whole image is saved correctly. My problem is that I have to save many images so I save it within my code using saveas(gca,'someimage.jpg'). When using saveas, most of the JPEG file is cut off at the top. Is there something i can do to get the whole image?
Thanks, Mason
  1 Kommentar
Mason am 11 Jun. 2012
I appears that its saving the unfilled page view? Is there a way to put in a fill page option?

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Antworten (1)

Jessica Lam
Jessica Lam am 11 Jun. 2012
will you consider to use one command print ?
For example , plot(1:10); plot_filename='testing.jpg'; print('-djpeg', plot_filename, '-r100');
  1 Kommentar
Mason am 11 Jun. 2012
Same thing happens, only about half of the image is saved.

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