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NaN and Inf error when using "fit"

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
J.S. am 20 Jun. 2018
Kommentiert: J.S. am 21 Jun. 2018
Does anyone know why this error occurs when "fit" is called? My data contain no NaN or Inf.
Warning: NaN, Inf, or complex value detected in startpoint; choosing random starting point instead. > In curvefit.attention.Warning/throw (line 30) In fit>iFit (line 299) In fit (line 108) In MyCode (line 47) >>
  2 Kommentare
J.S. am 21 Jun. 2018
Danke, Stephan. Ja, der Anfangspunkt wurde von MATLAB bestimmt. Um dieses Problem zu vermeiden habe ich in Zukunft vor, ihn selber zu bestimmen.

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Antworten (1)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) am 21 Jun. 2018
Are you really sure?
Set a breakpoint in line 47 of your function MyCode, and check the values you enter into fit ...


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