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How to read/ load .seg file ?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Ynne am 4 Jan. 2018
Kommentiert: Adriana Royuela am 13 Feb. 2024
I need to compare image segmentation result with ground truth wich is a .seg extenion file. How can I load this and create image groud truth. A part of the .seg file is shown below (I converted it to text file):
format ascii cr
date Thu Apr 26 17:39:26 2001
image 2092
user 1113
width 481
height 321
segments 9
gray 0
invert 0
flipflop 0
0 0 0 480
0 1 0 480
0 2 0 480
0 3 0 480
0 4 0 480
0 5 0 480
0 6 0 480
0 7 0 480
0 8 0 480
0 9 0 480
0 10 0 480
0 11 0 480
0 12 0 480
0 13 0 480
0 14 0 480
0 15 0 480
0 16 0 480
0 17 0 480
  1 Kommentar
Adriana Royuela
Adriana Royuela am 13 Feb. 2024
Hi! I have the same problem. How did you end up doing it?

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