how to close uipanel base on click on pushbutton

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
praveen chandaliya
praveen chandaliya am 17 Sep. 2017
how to close uipanel base on click on pushbutton
a6=uicontrol('parent', handles.hsp,'Style','pushbutton','FontSize',11,'FontWeight','bold', ...
'position',[5 20 60 20],'string','close','Callback',@mycloseFunction);

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Sep. 2017
outer = uipanel()
inner = uipanel('Parent', outer)
but = uicontrol('style', 'push', 'Callback', @(src, event) delete(outer) )
  1 Kommentar
praveen chandaliya
praveen chandaliya am 18 Sep. 2017
Thanks Walter this code working properly... if any one required to close figure than also close using this way only pass delete(hFig)..

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