How to find consecutive numbers

167 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Edward am 2 Apr. 2012
Beantwortet: Adil Sbai am 6 Mai 2017
So i have an array: a=[16 17 32 33 48 63 79 80 81 97 98 113 114 129 130]
how can i write a program to find where those consecutive numbers are? i've tried using a for loop but haven't really got anywhere.. Please note that at one point there is 3 consecutive numbers.. The idea is each of these numbers is an index of another array: value=[3 0 2 5 3 2 1 0 0 2 7 7 3 7 8]; all equally spaced, which is supposed to mean: realvalue=[30 25 3 2 100 27 73 78]; and im trying to get the array 'realvaue' from arrays 'a' and 'value'

Akzeptierte Antwort

Thomas am 2 Apr. 2012
should do the job for you. It will show you where in a you have consecutive values..
Gives the first value
a(q) % this gives all the pairs of consecutive numbers
  1 Kommentar
ping pong
ping pong am 13 Feb. 2014
Bearbeitet: ping pong am 13 Feb. 2014
working,its good

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Weitere Antworten (2)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 2 Apr. 2012
Bearbeitet: Andrei Bobrov am 27 Sep. 2016
i1 = 1;
for j1 = 2:numel(a)
t = a(j1)-a(j1-1);
if t == 1
C{i1} = [C{i1} a(j1)];
i1 = i1 + 1;
C{i1} = a(j1);
k= find(diff(a)==1);
k1 = [k;k+1];
idx = reshape(k1(k1~=intersect(k,k+1)),2,[]);
C = arrayfun(@(x)a(idx(1,x):idx(2,x)),1:size(idx,2),'un',0)
i1 = 1;
for j1 = 2:numel(a)
t = a(j1)-a(j1-1);
if t == 1
C(i1) = C(i1) + 1;
i1 = i1 + 1;
C(i1) = 1;
v = [3 0 2 5 3 2 1 0 0 2 7 7 3 7 8];
rv = str2double(mat2cell(sprintf('%d',v),1,C))
k= find(diff(a)==1);
k1 = [k;k+1];
idx = reshape(k1(k1~=intersect(k,k+1)),2,[]);
id = sortrows([idx ones(2,1)*setdiff(1:numel(a),k1(:))].',1).';
C = diff(id)+1;
v = [3 0 2 5 3 2 1 0 0 2 7 7 3 7 8];
rv = str2double(mat2cell(sprintf('%d',v),1,C));
Last added
realvalue = accumarray(cumsum([true diff(a) ~= 1])',value',[],@(x)str2double(sprintf('%d',x')))
new add 2016
t = diff(a) == 1;
y = [t,false];
x = xor(y,[false,t]);
ii = cumsum(~(x|y) + y.*x);
out = accumarray(ii(:),value(:),[],@(z)10.^(numel(z)-1:-1:0)*z);
  2 Kommentare
Arun Badigannavar
Arun Badigannavar am 27 Sep. 2016
Does this work on simulink. parameters? what would be the best way to compare consecutive numbers in simulink dd?
yeungor am 27 Okt. 2016
Andrei definitely seems like a code golfer. Thanks for this, I'm using it to find linear regions in data.

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Adil Sbai
Adil Sbai am 6 Mai 2017
Call this function:
function bool = successive(a)
% Determines if all the numbers in a given input 1D array are successive
% integers.
assert((size(a,1)==1 || size(a,2)==1) && isa(a,'double'));
a = sort(a);
bool = (abs(max(a)-min(a))+1)==numel(a);
These are examples:
>> successive([-1 4 3 0 2 1])
ans =
>> successive([-1 4 3 -3 2 1])
ans =

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