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[SOLVED] compile mex with blas under windows

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Pavel am 1 Apr. 2012
Hello, I need to compile c mex file under windows. Under Ubuntu it works fine if
mex -v sparseQPsetup.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -O2 -Wall -pedantic" -lblas -std=c99
Under windows I tried
mex -v sparseQPsetup.c libmwblas.lib
with result
Writing library for sparseQPsetup.mexw32
c:\docume~1\pavel\locals~1\temp\mex_pi~1\sparseqpsetup.obj .text: undefined reference to '_dgemv_'
c:\docume~1\pavel\locals~1\temp\mex_pi~1\sparseqpsetup.obj .text: undefined reference to '_dgemm_'
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2009A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'sparseQPsetup.mexw32' failed.
??? Error using ==> mex at 218
Unable to complete successfully.
Usually it works but in this case I use some code when I'm calling
instead of
Header file is written in this style
#define F77_CALL(x) x ## _
#define F77_NAME(x) F77_CALL(x)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Level 2 BLAS */
extern void F77_NAME(dgbmv)(const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n,
const int *kl,const int *ku, const double *alpha,
const double *a, const int *lda, const double *x,
const int *incx, const double *beta, double *y,
const int *incy);
extern void F77_NAME(dgemv)(const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n,
const double *alpha, const double *a,
const int *lda, const double *x, const int *incx,
const double *beta, double *y, const int *incy);...
Please correct me what I'm doing wrong...

Antworten (4)

James Tursa
James Tursa am 1 Apr. 2012
Drop the trailing underscore _ on Windows. E.g.,
#define F77_CALL(x) x ## _
puts a trailing underscore on the BLAS library name. Don't do this on Windows. Try this instead:
#if defined(__OS2__) || defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_MSC_VER)
#define F77_CALL(x) x
#define F77_CALL(x) x ## _
Also, you shouldn't be using int for the integer types in the BLAS/LAPACK signatures. You should be using mwSignedIndex instead. E.g.,
extern void F77_NAME(dgbmv)(const char *trans, const mwSignedIndex *m, const mwSignedIndex *n,
const mwSignedIndex *kl,const mwSignedIndex *ku, const double *alpha,
const double *a, const mwSignedIndex *lda, const double *x,
const mwSignedIndex *incx, const double *beta, double *y,
const mwSignedIndex *incy);
extern void F77_NAME(dgemv)(const char *trans, const mwSignedIndex *m, const mwSignedIndex *n,
const double *alpha, const double *a,
const mwSignedIndex *lda, const double *x, const mwSignedIndex *incx,
const double *beta, double *y, const mwSignedIndex *incy);...

Geoff am 1 Apr. 2012
Did you not try:
mex -v sparseQPsetup.c -lmwblas

Pavel am 1 Apr. 2012
good point! It almost underscore lefts
Writing library for sparseQPsetup.mexw32
c:\docume~1\pavel\locals~1\temp\mex_fr~1\sparseqpsetup.obj .text: undefined reference to '_dgemv'
c:\docume~1\pavel\locals~1\temp\mex_fr~1\sparseqpsetup.obj .text: undefined reference to '_dgemm'
  2 Kommentare
James Tursa
James Tursa am 1 Apr. 2012
That means it is not linking in the BLAS library. What version of MATLAB are you running? Earlier versions had the BLAS & LAPACK libraries in one library file, the libmwlapack.lib. Later versions split it out into libmwblas.lib and libmwlapack.lib. You could try the -l option as Geoff suggests, or include the full path name of the library on the mex command line itself (that is what I usually do), or even copy the library file to your local directory and then just list the lib name.
James Tursa
James Tursa am 1 Apr. 2012
P.S., The leading underscore is normal and is expected to be there, as it is part of the actual exported function name as seen by the linker.

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Pavel am 2 Apr. 2012
Yeeesss, I copied the libraries and it works well. Thank you very very much, guys!


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