find the number of seconds between two times

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
captainmariah am 8 Aug. 2016
Kommentiert: captainmariah am 8 Aug. 2016
One time comes from a vector, date (which I only want the first date) and the other one is a string form.
time0 = datenum(date(1),'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
time1 = datenum('12:35:00','HH:MM:SS');
but I get an error when I run this: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in etime (line 40)
t = 86400*(datenummx(t1(:,1:3)) - datenummx(t0(:,1:3))) + ...
Error in processdata (line 107)
Why isn't this working?
date(1) contains the value '12:31:45.115'

Antworten (1)

Adam am 8 Aug. 2016
Bearbeitet: Adam am 8 Aug. 2016
date(1) cannot contain a full string. If date is that string then date(1) is just '1'. Alternatively if date is a cell array you want data{1} instead.
Also do not call your string 'date', you are obfuscating a builtin function which may also be the cause of your error if it is being called from inside another function.
  1 Kommentar
captainmariah am 8 Aug. 2016
I think I solved the problem with 'datevec'. date(1) contains a string with format hh:mm:ss.fff.

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