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How can I apply the attached vector coding equation to a matrix in matlab?

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I currently am using atan2d(y,x) but I am unsure whether that is accounting for the y(i+1)-y(i) and x(i+1)-x(i) nature of the equation. x and y are defined as the two matrices I am comparing (i.e. knee versus ankle joint angles during a gait cycle).

Akzeptierte Antwort

Star Strider
Star Strider am 25 Mai 2016
It won’t account for it unless you tell it to:
Theta_vc = atan2d(diff(theta1), diff(theta2));
NOTE This should work with your data.
  5 Kommentare
Kylie Davis
Kylie Davis am 27 Mai 2016
To be more specific... X is the ankle angle over a gait cycle, and y is the knee angle over a gait cycle. The vector coding phase angle I want is equal to tan-1(y(i+1)-y(i),x(i+1)-x(i)) for each consecutive data point (which is 101 points because data was normalized to 100% gait cycle).
Star Strider
Star Strider am 27 Mai 2016
My code:
Theta_vc = atan2d(diff(theta1), diff(theta2));
does exactly what the expression in your image does. See the documentation on the diff function for details.
If you just have vectors, they will work with my code whether they’re row or column vectors. I don’t understand your gait cycle coding (an area peripheral to my areas of expertise). I would use atan2 or atan2d because they reflect the correct quadrants.
If you want to convert the angles you get as Theta_vc to 0°-360° or 0-2*pi, use the appropriate one of these functions:
Angles360 = @(a) rem(360+a, 360); % For ‘atan2d’
Angles2pi = @(a) rem(2*pi+a, 2*pi); % For ‘atan2’

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Weitere Antworten (1)

James Tursa
James Tursa am 25 Mai 2016
Bearbeitet: James Tursa am 25 Mai 2016
atan2d(y,x) will not do any difference calculations such as y(i+1)-y(i) or x(i+1)-x(i) as part of the calculation. So you would need to do that calculation before using atan2d (e.g. using the diff function). Are x and y 1D vectors or 2D matrices?
  1 Kommentar
Kylie Davis
Kylie Davis am 26 Mai 2016
I believe it is 2D matrices. I am new to Matlab and am sorry if I'm asking a basic question. I appreciate your feedback thank you!

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