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How to perform a n-way repeated measure analysis?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Adam Zabicki
Adam Zabicki am 25 Mär. 2016
Hello everyone!
I searched quite a long time, but did not found any answer that helped me sufficiently... Well, we performed an experiment, in which every of the 20 subjects executed 288 trials, 3 trials per each of the 96 conditions. It is an 2x2x2x3x4 design, so we got 5 factors, with different amount of levels. For each trial we calculated the covered distance of the COP. With this data we want to perform a 5-way repeated measures analysis, but i dont get it, reading stuff on the internet.
can anyone help with this issue? i would rather have an matlab-script, than export the data into SPSS...
thanks a lot! Adam

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