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Calculating global nearest neighbour (GNN) in Matlab

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mayank Lakhani
Mayank Lakhani am 22 Feb. 2016
I have two data matrix. One is original data and another is measured data of radar sensor. I want to find out global nearest neighbor (GNN) of the original data from the measured data. I have already calculated the Local nearest neighbor and posted the m file below. My question is how to change it in to Global nearest neighbor.
Number_of_object = 5;
Measured_data = f_range_m(1:numSuperpulsesPerCycle_g:length(timeline_ms),:);
Original_data = OrgiRange(1:numSuperpulsesPerCycle_g:length(timeline_ms),:);
Result_Range= nearest_Distance(Original_data,Measured_data, Number_of_object);
m file for the nearest_Distance (Local nearest neighbor) is give below
function [ res ] = nearest_Distance( Original_data, Measured_data, Number_of_object)
for ix = 1:Number_of_object
%dist = abs(bsxfun(@minus,Measured_data,Original_data(:,ix)));
dist = abs(bsxfun(@minus,Measured_data,Original_data(:,ix)));
[~,col] = min(dist,[],2);
res(:,ix) = diag(Measured_data(:,col));
  1 Kommentar
Jacobo Levy Abitbol
Jacobo Levy Abitbol am 6 Jun. 2016
Check Munkres algorithm for rectangular matrices in file exchange and apply it to your distance matrix to get the GNN optimal assignment

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