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Index Exceeds Matrix Dimensions in Large Array of Data

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
goyanks1989 am 20 Jan. 2016
Geschlossen: Walter Roberson am 21 Jan. 2016
When running the attached code, I receive this error:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in NonConvective (line 74)
bigDATA(ii, bigDATAstart:(bigDATAstart - 1 +length(goodPoints))) = a(goodPoints);
I thought that I fixed the error when I used a 25 x 100000 matrix, shown below, to reflect the 25 variables in the ii_array and (goodpoints). (I accidentally had bigDATA= NaN(16, 100000) in my previous code and forgot to switch)
bigDATA = NaN(25, 100000)
What else should I look at to fix this error and properly run this code? Thank you for your help, it is much appreciated.

Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 20 Jan. 2016
The error does not have to do with the output, the error has to do with the input. That is, the error is about a(GoodPoints) . Your a is formed of imported data, but it appears to me that your GoodPoints is formed from values that are not computed according to the size of a with the result that they can potentially reference outside of the boundaries of a

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