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Weird results combination imlabel + imwarp + regionpros. Bug ?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Robert Dupont
Robert Dupont am 9 Dez. 2015
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 9 Dez. 2015
Hello there !
I met a problem that was already asked, and I do need the answer. I did more thorough test compared to the previous post. Original post :
So, I did a test, and instead of having just a few points, I made a square 11*11.
Here are the two root images, left then right :
Here are the labeled image transformed and the root image transformed (looking exactly the same) :
And here (the interesting part), is what regionprops gives me for centroids of the labeled then transformed image :
My question is : is it a bug or is it me that is doing something wrong somewhere ? If it is the latest, could you tell me how to fix it ?
Thank you for reading.

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