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How to solve differential equation with MATLAB

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
nancy am 11 Nov. 2015
Beantwortet: nancy am 13 Nov. 2015
I have a problem related to solving differential equation. The equation is:
(3/2)lnX + 3886/x = 19
I can not solve this equation. I must find 'x' value..
How can I solve this with Matlab?
Thanks for your help.
  1 Kommentar
Torsten am 11 Nov. 2015
X and x are the same ?
Why is your problem related to solving a differential equation ? The equation you wrote is an algebraic equation.
Best wishes

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Akzeptierte Antwort

nancy am 12 Nov. 2015
Hi Torsten,
Actually I have understood the first equation and x is nearly 372000 derived. But it is a very high value and I can say it is not logical for my solution.
When I try an arbitrary value as nearly 375, the solution can be acceptable for me. 375 may be more logical for me.
That is to say; can there be a second answer of this equation?
Best regards,
  1 Kommentar
Torsten am 12 Nov. 2015
MATHEMATICA finds two solutions:
Use MATLAB's "fzero" to get the smaller solution:
x0=[300 400];
Best wishes

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Weitere Antworten (5)

nancy am 11 Nov. 2015
Sorry.. You are right.. It is an algebraic equation, I wrote false..
And x and X are the same. I mean it is:
(3/2)lnX + 3886/X = 19
You can take care above equation.
Could you please help me and give me a clue to solve that?
Thanks for your help..

Torsten am 11 Nov. 2015
Does this work ?
syms x
eqn = 1.5*log(x)+3886/x-19 == 0;
sol = solve(eqn,x);
The result should be some expression containing the Lambert-W-function.
Best wishes

nancy am 12 Nov. 2015
When I operate the above code, it gives an answer just like this:
sol =
exp(38/3)*exp(wrightOmega(pi*i + log(7772/3) - 38/3))
So, it doesn't give an exact solution..
What can I do at this step? I must find the X value as numerical.
  1 Kommentar
Torsten am 12 Nov. 2015
Does this work ?
syms x
eqn = 1.5*log(x)+3886/x-19 == 0;
sol = solve(eqn,x);
solnum = eval(sol);
Best wishes

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nancy am 12 Nov. 2015
Hi Torsten,
Actually I have understood the first equation and x is nearly 372000 derived. But it is a very high value and I can say it is not logical for my solution.
When I try an arbitrary value as nearly 375, the solution can be acceptable for me. 375 may be more logical for me.
That is to say; can there be a second answer of this equation?
Best regards,

nancy am 13 Nov. 2015
Thank you very much for your helps.. It is ok.
Best wishes,

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