xPC Target Freezes when used with MAXON MAXPOS / EPOS 3 Controllers

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
alpha am 17 Jun. 2015
Kommentiert: alpha am 27 Okt. 2016
I am using ET9000 EtherCAT Configurator ( and / or TWINCAT 3.1 ) to generate ENI files for use with xPC Target running SIMULINK Real Time. My network consists of:
-- Qy 01 , Beckhoff EK1101 -- Qty 04, MAXON MAXPOS Controllers ( I am also using EPOS3 Controllers )
When I use only one controller, everything works fine. I am able to generate the ENI file and use the EtherCAT ( init, PDO Receive and PDO Transmit) blocks in SIMULINK to send and receive data to the MAXPOS / EPOS3 Controllers.
However, as soon as I use more than one controllers on the network, I am able to generate the configuration file, compile the simulink model and load it to the target PC. However, the target PC just freezes after a few seconds without any error being displayed.
Any help would be appreciated.
  3 Kommentare
alpha am 26 Aug. 2015
Hi Jisheng
Well the only file I can send is the ENI file that is generated using ET9000 EtherCAT Configurator. But my ENI file would not be any use to you because each EtherCAT network has its own specific ENI file.
Are you facing problems similar to that I have mentioned ?
wjchen84 am 21 Okt. 2016
Hi alpha,
We met the same problem here. The programs worked for one Maxon motor well, but Target PC freezed when two Maxon motors were connected.
Our setup consists of: 2 maxon MAXPOS controllers and MATLAB 2015a/b. We also used ET9000 EtherCAT Configurator for creating the EtherCAT ENI file.
We are wondering if you have solved your problem now. If yes, would you please provide any solution to the problem?
Thank you very much!

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Antworten (1)

wjchen84 am 27 Okt. 2016
From the MATLAB support team, it seems this is a known bug that they have fixed from R2016a. Although the bug says "it happens when there are more than 30 slaves", it seems it also happens when there are only two slaves (like in this case).
The bug fix for versions eariler than R2016a can be found from this link:
We have applied the bug fix and the problem is solved successfully.
  1 Kommentar
alpha am 27 Okt. 2016
Thanks for the information.
I can confirm that the bug has been fixed in R2016a.

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