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Export Simscape to FMU

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
sophia am 23 Jul. 2024
Beantwortet: Ashutosh Thakur am 24 Jul. 2024
I am currently trying to export a Simscape Model to FMU.
If this Model as schown in the picture without Connection Port can als FMU export.
Could the Connection port be used as a second output? I also can't find any paper about this. Thanks a lot.
Best regards

Antworten (1)

Ashutosh Thakur
Ashutosh Thakur am 24 Jul. 2024
Hi Sophia,
You can export the Simscape model as an FMU as long as the input and output signals are in the form of Simulink signals instead of physical signals. The PS-Simulink Converter block can be used to convert physical signals to Simulink signals. You can refer to the following MATLAB Answer, which has information regarding exporting FMUs with physical connections:
The Connection Port block in Simscape is typically used for physical connections. It is similar to the Inport and Outport blocks in function, but I do not think it can be used as a second output in the model as it transfers the physical connection across subsystem boundaries. You can look into the documentation of the Connection Port block for more information:
I recommend using the PS-Simulink Converter block to convert the signal to a Simulink signal, and an Outport block can be attached to have a second output.
I hope this information helps you!

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