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Error using randsample (line 89) W must have length 3.

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Michael Bamidele
Michael Bamidele am 29 Mai 2024
Beantwortet: Balavignesh am 30 Mai 2024
function [fuzzy_rules, pheromone] = aco_fuzzy_rules(X, y, num_rules, num_ants, max_iter, alpha, beta, rho, Q)
num_features = size(X, 2);
num_membership_functions = 3; % Assuming 3 membership functions per feature
% Convert table to numeric array
X = table2array(X);
% Initialize pheromone matrix
pheromone = ones(num_features, num_membership_functions * num_rules);
% Initialize best solution
best_solution = [];
best_fitness = -inf;
for iter = 1:max_iter
% Construct solutions (fuzzy rules) using ants
solutions = cell(num_ants, 1);
for k = 1:num_ants
solution = [];
for j = 1:num_features
p = pheromone(j, :) .^ alpha .* (1 ./ (1 + abs(X(:, j)))) .^ beta;
p = p / sum(p);
if length(p) < num_membership_functions
p = [p, zeros(1, num_membership_functions - length(p))];
for r = 1:num_rules
solution = [solution, randsample(1:num_membership_functions, 1, true, p')];
solutions{k} = solution;
% Evaluate fitness of solutions
fitnesses = cellfun(@(s) fuzzy_fitness(s, X, y), solutions);
% Update best solution
[best_fitness, best_idx] = max([best_fitness, fitnesses]);
best_solution = solutions{best_idx};
% Update pheromone matrix
pheromone = (1 - rho) * pheromone;
for k = 1:num_ants
solution = solutions{k};
fitness = fitnesses(k);
pheromone = pheromone + Q * fitness * (solution == reshape(repmat(1:num_membership_functions, num_rules, 1), 1, []));
% Convert best solution to fuzzy rules
fuzzy_rules = reshape(best_solution, num_features, num_rules);
The above code is for ACO to be used to learn new rules
can someone help how to fix this error - Error using randsample (line 89)
W must have length 3.
Error in AcoGafuzzyNew>aco_fuzzy_rules (line 103)
solution = [solution, randsample(1:num_membership_functions, 1,
true, p')];
Error in AcoGafuzzyNew (line 16)
[fuzzy_rules, pheromone] = aco_fuzzy_rules(X, y, num_rules, num_ants, max_iter, alpha, beta, rho, Q);

Antworten (1)

Balavignesh am 30 Mai 2024
Hi Michael,
It looks like you are encountering an error with 'randsample' MATLAB function. The error suggests that the probability weights vector 'p' you are passing doesn't have the same length as 'num_membership_functions'. This inconsistency in length likely arises during the calculation of 'p', especially if the 'pheromone' matrix dimensions or its manipulation does not align perfectly with the expected sizes.
for k = 1:num_ants
solution = [];
for j = 1:num_features
p = pheromone(j, :) .^ alpha .* (1 ./ (1 + abs(X(:, j)))) .^ beta;
p = p / sum(p);
% Ensure p has the correct length by resizing it if necessary
expected_length = num_membership_functions * num_rules;
if length(p) < expected_length
p = [p, zeros(1, expected_length - length(p))];
elseif length(p) > expected_length
p = p(1:expected_length);
% Now generate rules for each feature across all rules
for r = 1:num_rules
idx_start = (r-1)*num_membership_functions + 1;
idx_end = r*num_membership_functions;
rule_p = p(idx_start:idx_end); % Extract the probabilities for the current rule
solution = [solution, randsample(1:num_membership_functions, 1, true, rule_p)];
solutions{k} = solution;
In this adjusted code snippet, I've added a step to ensure that 'p' is resized to match the expected length 'expected_length'. This length is calculated based on the number of membership functions and the number of rules, ensuring that p aligns with the structure you're working with. When selecting a membership function for each rule, it's important to correctly partition the probability vector of the correct length of 'num_membership_functions', which should resolve the error you encountered in my opinion.
Kindly have a look at the following documentation links to have more information on:
Hope that helps!




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