3-Element Windkessel Model (Optimizing against flow (Q)): Why is my code so slow? It does not reach the optimizations.
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Hi, so I've wrote this code to optimize the parameters of a 3-element windkessel model. It was working when I was optimizing against the pressure (P), but when I switched it to flow (Q), it gets stuck calculating 'ppval' - it does not even reach the optimisation. Please advise. I have added the code and profiler results below. Is it the ODE function? I am suspecting that the ODE for Q is stiff, whereas for P it was not (even though it is the same equation)? How can I overcome this? Should I attempt the ODE solvers for stiff problems (e.g. ode15s) or for more accurate nonstiff problems (e.g. ode78)? Thanks!
The Windkessel model (P_out = 0):
%% Code to Optimize Parameters for Aorta 3-Element Windkessel Model
clear all
close all
%% Inputs
% For mmHg
% R1 * (0.000001/133.322);
% R2 * (0.000001/133.322);
% C * (133.322/0.000001);
R1 = 4.40e+06;
R2 = 1.05e+08;
C = 1.31e-08;
% Initial conditions for WK-3 parameters
IC = [C, R1, R2];
Q_peak = 5e-4; % Peak flow
t_s = 0.28; % Systolic Time
t_c = 0.84; % Cycle Time
dt=0.0001; % (CFD/FSI) Simulation Time Step
%% Importing flow and pressure data
RefQWK = readtable('Ref_P_Q_WK_No-Osc.csv');
RefPWK = readtable('Ref_P_Q_WK_No-Osc.csv');
P_ref=RefPWK.P; % multiply by 0.00750062 for mmHg
P0_ref=RefPWK.P(1); % multiply by 0.00750062 for mmHg
P_smooth = smooth(interp1(t_ref, P_ref, t), 50);
P_spline = spline(t,P_smooth);
P_spline_dot = fnder(P_spline);
P=@(t) ppval(P_spline,t);
dPdt=@(t) ppval(P_spline_dot,t);
%Initial P condition
P0 = P(0);
%% Activate for flow data:
% Q_ref=RefQWK.Q; % multiply by e+6 for mL/s
% Q0_ref=RefQWK.Q(1);
% Q_smooth = smooth(interp1(t_ref, Q_ref, t), 50);
% Q_spline = spline(t,Q_smooth);
% Q_spline_dot = fnder(Q_spline);
% Q=@(t) ppval(Q_spline,t);
% dPdt=@(t) ppval(Q_spline_dot,t);
%Initial P condition
% Q0 = P(0);
%Activate for flow equation:
Q_eq = @(t)Q_peak*sin((pi*t)./t_s).^2.*(t>=0).*(t<=t_s);
Q = @(t)Q_eq(mod(t,t_c));
%Initial P condition
Q0 = Q(0);
%% Curve fitting using the method of least squares
LB = [1e-15 1 1]; UB = [1 1e10 1e10]; % Lower and Upper bounds
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'MaxFunEvals',10000,'MaxIter',10000,'Display','iter');
f = @(x,t) fun_lsq(x, t, P, dPdt, Q0);
sol = lsqcurvefit(f, IC, t, Q(t), LB, UB, options);
C_optim_lsq = sol(1)
R1_optim_lsq = sol(2)
R2_optim_lsq = sol(3)
%% Curve fitting using the fminsearch
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals', 1e100, 'TolX', 1e-16, 'TolFun', 1e-16, 'Display','iter','PlotFcns',@optimplotfval);
f = @(x) fun_fmin(x, t, Q(t), P, dPdt, Q0);
sol = fminsearch(f,IC,options);
C_optim_fmin = sol(1)
R1_optim_fmin = sol(2)
R2_optim_fmin = sol(3)
%% Solving and Plotting ODE for Q
[t,Qsim_sterg] = integration(1.31e-8,4.4e+6,1.05e+8,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_lsq] = integration_data(C_optim_lsq,R1_optim_lsq,R2_optim_lsq,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_fmin] = integration_data(C_optim_fmin,R1_optim_fmin,R2_optim_fmin,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_fmin_manual] = integration_data(C,R1,R2,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
% PWK for FV
[t_FV_fmin, P_FV_fmin] = PWK_FV(C_optim_fmin, R1_optim_fmin, R2_optim_fmin, P0, Q(t), dt, t);
[t_FV_lsq, P_FV_lsq] = PWK_FV(C_optim_lsq, R1_optim_lsq, R2_optim_lsq, P0, Q(t), dt);
plot(t_FV_lsq, P_FV_lsq, 'DisplayName',strcat('FlowVision lsq'))
plot(t_FV_fmin, P_FV_fmin, 'DisplayName',strcat('FlowVision fmin'))
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Pressure (Pa)')
legend show
legend('Location', 'southeast', 'FontSize', 7)
plot(t,Q(t), 'DisplayName',strcat('Actual'))
hold on
plot(t,Qsim_sterg,'DisplayName',strcat('Stergiopulos, C = 1.31E-8, R1 = 4.4E+6, R2 = 1.05E+8'))
plot(t,Qsim_lsq,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim LSQ, C =', num2str(C_optim_lsq, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1_optim_lsq, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2_optim_lsq, '%.3E')))
plot(t,Qsim_fmin,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim fmin, C =', num2str(C_optim_fmin, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1_optim_fmin, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2_optim_fmin, '%.3E')))
plot(t,Qsim_fmin_manual,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim manual, C =', num2str(C, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2, '%.3E')))
hold off
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Flow (m^{3}/s)')
legend show
legend('Location', 'southeast', 'FontSize', 7)
%% Function for lsq optimisation
function f = fun_lsq(x, time, P, dPdt, Q0)
%Renaming the constants
C = x(1); R1 = x(2); R2 = x(3);
[~,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0);
Q = y(:,1);
f = Q;
%% Function for fminsearch optimisation
function f = fun_fmin(x, time, Q_in, P, dPdt, Q0)
%Renaming the constants
C = x(1); R1 = x(2); R2 = x(3);
[~,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0);
Q = y(:,1);
f = sum((Q-Q_in).^2);
%% Function for ODE Integration using equation
function [t,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0)
ode_fun = @(t,y)((P(t)/(C*R1*R2)) + (dPdt(t)/R1) - (y(1)*(1/C*R1 + 1/C*R2)));
[t,y] = ode45(ode_fun, time, Q0);
%% Function for FV PWK
function [t_FV,P_FV] = PWK_FV(C_FV, R1_FV, R2_FV, P_FV_i, Q_FV, timestep, total_time)
P_FV(1) = P_FV_i;
for i=2:width(t_FV)
Beta = timestep / (C_FV*R2_FV);
Num1 = Q_FV(i)*( (Beta*R2_FV) + (Beta*R1_FV) + R1_FV );
Num2 = R1_FV*Q_FV(i-1);
Num3 = P_FV(i-1);
Num = Num1 - Num2 + Num3;
Den = 1 + Beta;
P_FV(i) = Num / Den;
I even tried to get rid of the equation for pressure and use tabular data (and reduced the data to 1 cycle), reduced the dt (timestep) to 0.01, as below, but it still gets stuck in the ODE function. Should I try another ode solver than ode45, maybe ode78?
%% Code to Optimize Parameters for Aorta 3-Element Windkessel Model
clear all
close all
%% Inputs
% For mmHg
% R1 * (0.000001/133.322);
% R2 * (0.000001/133.322);
% C * (133.322/0.000001);
R1 = 4.40e+06;
R2 = 1.05e+08;
C = 1.31e-08;
% Initial conditions for WK-3 parameters
IC = [C, R1, R2];
Q_peak = 5e-4; % Peak flow
t_s = 0.28; % Systolic Time
t_c = 0.84; % Cycle Time
dt=0.01; % (CFD/FSI) Simulation Time Step
%% Importing flow and pressure data
RefQWK = readtable('Ref_P_Q_WK_No-Osc_1-Cycle.csv');
RefPWK = readtable('Ref_P_Q_WK_No-Osc_1-Cycle.csv');
P_ref=RefPWK.P; % multiply by 0.00750062 for mmHg
P0_ref=RefPWK.P(1); % multiply by 0.00750062 for mmHg
P0=P0_ref; %Initial P condition
P = smooth(interp1(t_ref, P_ref, t), 50);
dPdt = diff(P)./dt;
dPdt(end+1) = dPdt(end);
% P_smooth = smooth(interp1(t_ref, P_ref, t), 50);
% P_spline = spline(t,P_smooth);
% P_spline_dot = fnder(P_spline);
% P=@(t) ppval(P_spline,t);
% dPdt=@(t) ppval(P_spline_dot,t);
%Initial P condition for P equation
% P0 = P(0);
%% Activate for flow data:
% Q_ref=RefQWK.Q; % multiply by e+6 for mL/s
% Q0_ref=RefQWK.Q(1);
% Q_smooth = smooth(interp1(t_ref, Q_ref, t), 50);
% Q_spline = spline(t,Q_smooth);
% Q_spline_dot = fnder(Q_spline);
% Q=@(t) ppval(Q_spline,t);
% dQdt=@(t) ppval(Q_spline_dot,t);
%Initial Q condition
% Q0 = Q(0);
%Activate for flow equation:
Q_eq = @(t)Q_peak*sin((pi*t)./t_s).^2.*(t>=0).*(t<=t_s);
Q = @(t)Q_eq(mod(t,t_c));
%Initial P condition
Q0 = Q(0);
%% Curve fitting using the method of least squares
LB = [1e-15 1 1]; UB = [1 1e10 1e10]; % Lower and Upper bounds
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'MaxFunEvals',10000,'MaxIter',10000,'Display','iter');
f = @(x,t) fun_lsq(x, t, P, dPdt, Q0);
sol = lsqcurvefit(f, IC, t_ref, Q(t), LB, UB, options);
C_optim_lsq = sol(1)
R1_optim_lsq = sol(2)
R2_optim_lsq = sol(3)
%% Curve fitting using the fminsearch
% options = optimset('MaxFunEvals', 1e100, 'TolX', 1e-16, 'TolFun', 1e-16, 'Display','iter','PlotFcns',@optimplotfval);
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',10000,'MaxIter',10000, 'Display','iter','PlotFcns',@optimplotfval);
f = @(x) fun_fmin(x, t, Q(t), P, dPdt, Q0);
sol = fminsearch(f,IC,options);
C_optim_fmin = sol(1)
R1_optim_fmin = sol(2)
R2_optim_fmin = sol(3)
%% Solving and Plotting ODE for Q
[t,Qsim_sterg] = integration(1.31e-8,4.4e+6,1.05e+8,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_lsq] = integration_data(C_optim_lsq,R1_optim_lsq,R2_optim_lsq,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_fmin] = integration_data(C_optim_fmin,R1_optim_fmin,R2_optim_fmin,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
[t,Qsim_fmin_manual] = integration_data(C,R1,R2,t,P,dPdt,Q0);
% PWK for FV
[t_FV_fmin, P_FV_fmin] = PWK_FV(C_optim_fmin, R1_optim_fmin, R2_optim_fmin, P0, Q(t), dt, t);
[t_FV_lsq, P_FV_lsq] = PWK_FV(C_optim_lsq, R1_optim_lsq, R2_optim_lsq, P0, Q(t), dt);
plot(t_FV_lsq, P_FV_lsq, 'DisplayName',strcat('FlowVision lsq'))
plot(t_FV_fmin, P_FV_fmin, 'DisplayName',strcat('FlowVision fmin'))
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Pressure (Pa)')
legend show
legend('Location', 'southeast', 'FontSize', 7)
plot(t,Q(t), 'DisplayName',strcat('Actual'))
hold on
plot(t,Qsim_sterg,'DisplayName',strcat('Stergiopulos, C = 1.31E-8, R1 = 4.4E+6, R2 = 1.05E+8'))
% plot(t,Qsim_lsq,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim LSQ, C =', num2str(C_optim_lsq, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1_optim_lsq, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2_optim_lsq, '%.3E')))
plot(t,Qsim_fmin,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim fmin, C =', num2str(C_optim_fmin, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1_optim_fmin, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2_optim_fmin, '%.3E')))
plot(t,Qsim_fmin_manual,'DisplayName',strcat('Sim manual, C =', num2str(C, '%.3E'), ', R1 = ', num2str(R1, '%.3E'), ', R2 = ', num2str(R2, '%.3E')))
hold off
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Flow (m^{3}/s)')
legend show
legend('Location', 'southeast', 'FontSize', 7)
%% Function for lsq optimisation
function f = fun_lsq(x, time, P, dPdt, Q0)
%Renaming the constants
C = x(1); R1 = x(2); R2 = x(3);
[~,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0);
Q = y(:,1);
f = Q;
%% Function for fminsearch optimisation
function f = fun_fmin(x, time, Q_in, P, dPdt, Q0)
%Renaming the constants
C = x(1); R1 = x(2); R2 = x(3);
[~,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0);
Q = y(:,1);
f = sum((Q-Q_in).^2);
%% Function for ODE Integration using equation
function [t,y] = integration(C,R1,R2,time,P,dPdt,Q0)
% For P data
ode_fun = @(t,y) Q_odefcn(t, y, C, R1, R2, time, P, dPdt);
% For P equation:
% ode_fun = @(t,y)((P(t)/(C*R1*R2)) + (dPdt(t)/R1) - ((y(1)*(1 + R1/R2))/C*R1));
[t,y] = ode45(ode_fun, time, Q0);
%% Function for ODE using flow tabular data
function dQdt = Q_odefcn(t, y, C, R1, R2, time, P_in, dPdt_in)
% dQdt = zeros(1,1); %Initializing the output vector
% Determine the closest point to the current time
% [d, closestIndex]=min(abs(time-t));
% P = interp1(time,P_in,t);
% for i = 1:numel(time)
% if time(i+1) >= t
% dPdt = (P_in(i+1)-P_in(i))/(time(i+1)-time(i));
% break
% end
% end
%dQ = dQ_in(closestIndex);
dQdt = zeros(1,1); %Initializing the output vector
%Determine the closest point to the current time
[~, closestIndex]=min(abs(time-t));
P = P_in(closestIndex);
dPdt = dPdt_in(closestIndex);
dQdt(1) = P/(C*R1*R2) + (dPdt/R1) - y(1)*(1/C*R1 + 1/C*R2);
%% Function for FV PWK
function [t_FV,P_FV] = PWK_FV(C_FV, R1_FV, R2_FV, P_FV_i, Q_FV, timestep, total_time)
P_FV(1) = P_FV_i;
for i=2:width(t_FV)
Beta = timestep / (C_FV*R2_FV);
Num1 = Q_FV(i)*( (Beta*R2_FV) + (Beta*R1_FV) + R1_FV );
Num2 = R1_FV*Q_FV(i-1);
Num3 = P_FV(i-1);
Num = Num1 - Num2 + Num3;
Den = 1 + Beta;
P_FV(i) = Num / Den;
15 Kommentare
am 30 Mär. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten
am 30 Mär. 2024
I thought you try to reproduce the pressure or flow curves you supply in the .csv files. Here, pressure converges asymptotically not against 0, but against atmospheric pressure, and that's what your model equations should reflect. Or is there an iterative procedure between MATLAB and CFD ?
In CFD calculations, you often solve the equations for pressure above atmospheric pressure p'. The "real" pressure is then p = p' + p_atmospheric. Maybe you set p' = p_atmospheric when the solver diverges, thus an overpressure of 1.013 bar. But it's only speculation.
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