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writetable or dlmwrite to save an array as a txt file

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Simon Lind
Simon Lind am 21 Feb. 2024
Kommentiert: Voss am 12 Apr. 2024
Hello community
I need to save a txt file like this one
1 -26.2 -31.7
2 -27.1 -33.9
3 -25.5 -30.2
4 -24.4 -30.8
starting from this array
1.0000 -26.2000 -31.7000
2.0000 -27.1000 -33.9000
3.0000 -25.5000 -30.2000
4.0000 -24.4000 -30.8000
writetable seems to have limitations. Is there any other way?
Thank you!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Voss am 21 Feb. 2024
Here's one way:
M = [
1.0000 -26.2000 -31.7000
2.0000 -27.1000 -33.9000
3.0000 -25.5000 -30.2000
4.0000 -24.4000 -30.8000
filename = 'your_file.txt';
% write the file:
fid = fopen(filename,'w');
fprintf(fid,'%2d %.1f %.1f\n',M.');
% check the result:
1 -26.2 -31.7 2 -27.1 -33.9 3 -25.5 -30.2 4 -24.4 -30.8

Weitere Antworten (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Feb. 2024
M = [
1.0000 -26.2000 -31.7000
2.0000 -27.1000 -33.9000
3.0000 -25.5000 -30.2000
4.0000 -24.4000 -30.8000
writematrix(M, 'your_file.txt', 'delimiter', ' ');
type your_file.txt
1 -26.2 -31.7 2 -27.1 -33.9 3 -25.5 -30.2 4 -24.4 -30.8

Simon Lind
Simon Lind am 12 Apr. 2024
thank you very much for you help!


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