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How do I create a copy command, after I create Simulink?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
anas nasser
anas nasser am 9 Jan. 2024
How do I create a copy command, after I create a Simulink? After I create a Simulink, I want to create a copy command to send what I have done to a friend or upload it on MATLAB.

Antworten (1)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov am 9 Jan. 2024
There are a few options to share your model with your colelague/friend.
One option is using packaging your project.
Step 0. Create a MATLAB Project: If your Simulink model is part of a larger project, consider creating a MATLAB Project. Projects help manage dependencies, code, and files associated with a project.
Step 1. Package the Project: Use the "Package" option in MATLAB to package the project and its associated files into a zip file.
Step 2. Share the Zip File: Share the zip file with your colleague via email, cloud storage, or other means.
Step 3. Your colleague now can open and extract the contents of the zipped file and open the MATLAB Project using MATLAB.


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