Solving a matrix equation with fixed point iteration method

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to solve the following equation for
I believe Equ.1 can be solved using fixed iteration method. The twist here is that the term itself have a self-consistent equation:
So, to solve Equ.1, I have to solve Equ.3 for and then put the value of in Equ.2 and calculate and finally put in Equ.1 to solve it.
In Equ.1, And H and are 2-by-2 matrices given in below code. is identity matrix and E is a scalar parameter.
I'm working on this code. The loop for is converging well, but the loop for is very slow for certain u values, and it never converges for others. Any tips to speed up convergence or alternative solution methods?
clear; clc;
% parameters of equations:
E = 1;
n = 0.1;
u = 0.2;
% parameters of this script:
Nk = 1000; % number of points for integrating over kx and ky
max_iter = 2000; % # of maximum iterations
convergence_threshold = 1e-6;
% k-points and limits
xmin = -2*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
xmax = 4*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
ymin = -2*pi/3;
ymax = 2*pi/3;
kxs = linspace(xmin,xmax,Nk);
dkx = kxs(2) - kxs(1);
kys = linspace(ymin,ymax,Nk);
dky = kys(2) - kys(1);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculation of Sigma_0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sigma_0 = (0.1 + 0.1i)*eye(2); % initial guess
for iter = 1:max_iter
% Calculation of integration in Sigma_0 (Equ.3) via sum:
G_0 = @(kx,ky) inv( E*eye(2) - H(kx,ky) - Sigma_0 );
integral_term_Equ3 = zeros(2);
parfor ikx = 1:Nk
qx = kxs(ikx);
for iky = 1:Nk
qy = kys(iky);
integral_term_Equ3 = integral_term_Equ3 + G_0(qx,qy) * dkx * dky;
%new value of Sigma_0 (Equ.3):
new_Sigma_0 = n * u * inv( eye(2) - 1/(4*pi^2) * integral_term_Equ3 * u);
diff = norm(new_Sigma_0 - Sigma_0); %difference
fprintf('G_0 Iteration: %d, Difference: %0.9f\n', iter, diff);
if diff < convergence_threshold
fprintf('G_0 converged after %d iterations\n', iter);
Sigma_0 = new_Sigma_0; % update Solution
G_0 = @(kx,ky) inv( E*eye(2) - H(kx,ky) - Sigma_0 ); %the chosen G_0
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculation of Sigma_x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sigma_x = Sigma_0; %taking Sigma_0 as initial guess
for iter = 1:max_iter
% Calculating the integration in Sigma (Equ.1) via sum:
integral_term_Equ1 = zeros(2);
parfor ikx = 1:Nk
qx = kxs(ikx);
for iky = 1:Nk
qy = kys(iky);
integrant = G_0(qx,qy) * (Sigma_x - 1i*E*v_x(qx,qy)) * G_0(qx,qy)' + 1i*E/2 * (G_0(qx,qy)*v_x(qx,qy)*G_0(qx,qy) + G_0(qx,qy)'*v_x(qx,qy)*G_0(qx,qy)');
integral_term_Equ1 = integral_term_Equ1 + integrant * dkx * dky;
%new value of Sigma_x (Equ.1):
new_Sigma_x = -1/(4*pi^2*n) * Sigma_0 * integral_term_Equ1 * Sigma_0';
diff = norm(new_Sigma_x - Sigma_x); %difference
fprintf('G Iteration: %d, Difference: %0.9f\n', iter, diff);
if diff < convergence_threshold
fprintf('G converged after %d iterations\n', iter);
Sigma_x = new_Sigma_x; % update Solution
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% H and v_x functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function H = H(kx,ky)
J = 1;
D = 0.5;
S = 1;
a1 = [0,-1]';
a2 = [sqrt(3)/2,1/2]';
a3 = [-sqrt(3)/2,1/2]';
b1 = [sqrt(3)/2,-3/2]';
b2 = [sqrt(3)/2,3/2]';
b3 = [-sqrt(3),0]';
s0 = eye(2,2);
sx = [0,1; 1,0];
sy = [0, -1i; 1i, 0];
sz = [1, 0; 0, -1];
k = [kx,ky];
h0 = 3*J*S;
hx = -J*S*( cos(k*a1) + cos(k*a2) + cos(k*a3) );
hy = -J*S*( sin(k*a1) + sin(k*a2) + sin(k*a3) );
hz = 2*D*S*( sin(k*b1) + sin(k*b2) + sin(k*b3) );
H = s0*h0 + sx*hx + sy*hy + sz*hz;
function v_x = v_x(kx,ky)
J = 1;
D = 0.5;
S = 1;
sx = [0,1; 1,0];
sy = [0, -1i; 1i, 0];
sz = [1, 0; 0, -1];
dkx_hx = -J*S*((3^(1/2)*sin(ky/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - (3^(1/2)*sin(ky/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
dkx_hy = J*S*((3^(1/2)*cos(ky/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - (3^(1/2)*cos(ky/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
dkx_hz = 2*D*S*((3^(1/2)*cos((3*ky)/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - 3^(1/2)*cos(3^(1/2)*kx) + (3^(1/2)*cos((3*ky)/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
v_x = sx*dkx_hx + sy*dkx_hy + sz*dkx_hz;
The result of above code are:
G_0 Iteration: 1, Difference: 0.127690191
G_0 Iteration: 2, Difference: 0.001871435
G_0 Iteration: 3, Difference: 0.000038569
G_0 Iteration: 4, Difference: 0.000000739
G_0 converged after 4 iterations
G Iteration: 1, Difference: 0.046150821
G Iteration: 2, Difference: 0.050105083
G Iteration: 3, Difference: 0.050493792
G Iteration: 4, Difference: 0.050542706
G Iteration: 5, Difference: 0.050547627
G Iteration: 6, Difference: 0.050543314
G Iteration: 7, Difference: 0.050536343
G Iteration: 8, Difference: 0.050528515
G Iteration: 9, Difference: 0.050520402
G Iteration: 10, Difference: 0.050512195
G Iteration: 11, Difference: 0.050503958
G Iteration: 12, Difference: 0.050495711
G Iteration: 13, Difference: 0.050487461
G Iteration: 14, Difference: 0.050479212
G Iteration: 15, Difference: 0.050470964
G Iteration: 16, Difference: 0.050462717
G Iteration: 17, Difference: 0.050454471
G Iteration: 18, Difference: 0.050446226
G Iteration: 19, Difference: 0.050437983
G Iteration: 20, Difference: 0.050429741
G Iteration: 21, Difference: 0.050421501
G Iteration: 22, Difference: 0.050413262
G Iteration: 23, Difference: 0.050405024
G Iteration: 24, Difference: 0.050396788
G Iteration: 25, Difference: 0.050388553
G Iteration: 26, Difference: 0.050380319
G Iteration: 27, Difference: 0.050372087
G Iteration: 28, Difference: 0.050363856
G Iteration: 29, Difference: 0.050355626
G Iteration: 30, Difference: 0.050347398
G Iteration: 31, Difference: 0.050339171
G Iteration: 32, Difference: 0.050330945
G Iteration: 33, Difference: 0.050322721
G Iteration: 34, Difference: 0.050314498
G Iteration: 35, Difference: 0.050306276
G Iteration: 36, Difference: 0.050298056
G Iteration: 37, Difference: 0.050289837
G Iteration: 38, Difference: 0.050281619
G Iteration: 39, Difference: 0.050273403
G Iteration: 40, Difference: 0.050265188
G Iteration: 41, Difference: 0.050256975
G Iteration: 42, Difference: 0.050248762
G Iteration: 43, Difference: 0.050240552
G Iteration: 44, Difference: 0.050232342
G Iteration: 45, Difference: 0.050224134
G Iteration: 46, Difference: 0.050215927
G Iteration: 47, Difference: 0.050207721
G Iteration: 48, Difference: 0.050199517
G Iteration: 49, Difference: 0.050191315
G Iteration: 50, Difference: 0.050183113
G Iteration: 51, Difference: 0.050174913
G Iteration: 52, Difference: 0.050166714
G Iteration: 53, Difference: 0.050158517
G Iteration: 54, Difference: 0.050150321
G Iteration: 55, Difference: 0.050142126
G Iteration: 56, Difference: 0.050133932
G Iteration: 57, Difference: 0.050125740
G Iteration: 58, Difference: 0.050117549
G Iteration: 59, Difference: 0.050109360
G Iteration: 60, Difference: 0.050101172
G Iteration: 61, Difference: 0.050092985
G Iteration: 62, Difference: 0.050084800

Akzeptierte Antwort

Torsten am 29 Dez. 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 29 Dez. 2023
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
Sigma_0 =
0.020586935783072 + 0.002472080743781i 0.000584326409329 + 0.001608817728934i 0.000584326409329 + 0.001608817728934i 0.020586736770647 + 0.002650780039849i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
Sigma_x =
-0.000000000000000 + 0.024841208312721i 0.000769082661170 + 0.019717976813217i -0.000769082661170 + 0.019717976813218i 0.000000000000000 + 0.019770775411212i
function main
clear; clc;
format long
% parameters of equations:
E = 1;
n = 0.1;
u = 0.2;
% parameters of this script:
Nk = 300; % number of points for integrating over kx and ky
% k-points and limits
xmin = -2*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
xmax = 4*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
ymin = -2*pi/3;
ymax = 2*pi/3;
kxs = linspace(xmin,xmax,Nk);
dkx = kxs(2) - kxs(1);
kys = linspace(ymin,ymax,Nk);
dky = kys(2) - kys(1);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculation of Sigma_0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sigma_0 = (0.1 + 0.1i)*eye(2); % initial guess
sigma0 = [Sigma_0(:,1);Sigma_0(:,2)];
sigma0 = fsolve(@fun_Sigma0,sigma0,optimset('TolFun',1e-12,'TolX',1e-12));
Sigma_0 = [sigma0(1:2),sigma0(3:4)]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculation of Sigma_x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sigma_x = Sigma_0;
sigmax = [Sigma_x(:,1);Sigma_x(:,2)];
sigmax = fsolve(@fun_Sigmax,sigmax,optimset('TolFun',1e-12,'TolX',1e-12));
Sigma_x = [sigmax(1:2),sigmax(3:4)]
function res = fun_Sigma0(sigma0)
Sigma_0 = [sigma0(1:2),sigma0(3:4)];
% Calculation of integration in Sigma_0 (Equ.3) via sum:
G_0 = @(kx,ky) inv( E*eye(2) - H(kx,ky) - Sigma_0 );
integral_term_Equ3 = zeros(2);
for ikx = 1:Nk
qx = kxs(ikx);
for iky = 1:Nk
qy = kys(iky);
integral_term_Equ3 = integral_term_Equ3 + G_0(qx,qy) * dkx * dky;
Res = Sigma_0 - n * u * inv( eye(2) - 1/(4*pi^2) * integral_term_Equ3 * u);
res = [Res(:,1);Res(:,2)];
function res = fun_Sigmax(sigmax)
Sigma_x = [sigmax(1:2),sigmax(3:4)];
% Calculation of integration in Sigma_0 (Equ.3) via sum:
G_0 = @(kx,ky) inv( E*eye(2) - H(kx,ky) - Sigma_0 );
integral_term_Equ1 = zeros(2);
for ikx = 1:Nk
qx = kxs(ikx);
for iky = 1:Nk
qy = kys(iky);
G_0_num = G_0(qx,qy);
v_x_num = v_x(qx,qy);
integrant = G_0_num * (Sigma_x - 1i*E*v_x_num) * G_0_num' + 1i*E/2 * (G_0_num*v_x_num*G_0_num + G_0_num'*v_x_num*G_0_num');
integral_term_Equ1 = integral_term_Equ1 + integrant * dkx * dky;
Res = Sigma_x - (-1/(4*pi^2*n) * Sigma_0 * integral_term_Equ1 * Sigma_0');
res = [Res(:,1);Res(:,2)];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% H and v_x functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function H = H(kx,ky)
J = 1;
D = 0.5;
S = 1;
a1 = [0,-1]';
a2 = [sqrt(3)/2,1/2]';
a3 = [-sqrt(3)/2,1/2]';
b1 = [sqrt(3)/2,-3/2]';
b2 = [sqrt(3)/2,3/2]';
b3 = [-sqrt(3),0]';
s0 = eye(2,2);
sx = [0,1; 1,0];
sy = [0, -1i; 1i, 0];
sz = [1, 0; 0, -1];
k = [kx,ky];
h0 = 3*J*S;
hx = -J*S*( cos(k*a1) + cos(k*a2) + cos(k*a3) );
hy = -J*S*( sin(k*a1) + sin(k*a2) + sin(k*a3) );
hz = 2*D*S*( sin(k*b1) + sin(k*b2) + sin(k*b3) );
H = s0*h0 + sx*hx + sy*hy + sz*hz;
function v_x = v_x(kx,ky)
J = 1;
D = 0.5;
S = 1;
sx = [0,1; 1,0];
sy = [0, -1i; 1i, 0];
sz = [1, 0; 0, -1];
dkx_hx = -J*S*((3^(1/2)*sin(ky/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - (3^(1/2)*sin(ky/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
dkx_hy = J*S*((3^(1/2)*cos(ky/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - (3^(1/2)*cos(ky/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
dkx_hz = 2*D*S*((3^(1/2)*cos((3*ky)/2 - (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2 - 3^(1/2)*cos(3^(1/2)*kx) + (3^(1/2)*cos((3*ky)/2 + (3^(1/2)*kx)/2))/2);
v_x = sx*dkx_hx + sy*dkx_hy + sz*dkx_hz;
  15 Kommentare
Torsten am 16 Jan. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 16 Jan. 2024
I believe that if I could write a code that takes a lot of points near these points, we can achieve accurate integration.
That's exactly what an adaptive ODE integrator like ode45 does. If it didn't succeed, I doubt you will find a way to handle this problem with existing MATLAB codes.
Are you sure that the matrix G00 has no singularities in the domain of integration ?
Luqman Saleem
Luqman Saleem am 16 Jan. 2024
I am sure that as long as η is non-zero there are no singularities, however, G00 can be very very very huge for some kx-ky points (I have mentioned those points in the new question that I've posted). I am aiming at case.

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