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Plotting subplots in one figure, with shared axes and labels

25 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
This segment of code is supposed to plot some plots in (9 subplots for each figure) arrangment. However, I am trying to make a shared y-axis for each row and a shared x-axis for each column and keep only one axis label on each axis. This code works perfectly fine for the first figure that is plotted, however, for the next figures it does not apply the same formatting on them.If anyone can help in resolving this.
the figure "i1" shows what I am getting for the first figure and what I want, and the figure "i2" shows what I am getting for the other figures. we want to keep the formatting of all figers as figure one.
attached is a sample of the data being plotted.
This is the segment of code used:
% ii represents the number of plots that we have to plot. In this case ii=86
numFigures = ceil(ii / 9);
% Check if a new figure is needed
if mod(ii - 1, 9) == 0
% Create a new figure
hFig = figure('Name', ['Combined Plots Figure ', num2str(numFigures)], 'NumberTitle', 'off');
numFigures = numFigures + 1;
% Plot each set of 9 plots together
subplot(3, 3, mod(ii - 1, 9) + 1, 'Parent', hFig);
hold on;
% Plot data
plot(xss, updatedy, '-x', 'color', "#000000", 'LineWidth', 1)
% Adjust axes and labels for all figures
if mod(ii - 1, 3) == 0
ylabel('Height (km)');
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', []);
if ii > 6
xlabel('Ne (el/m^3)');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', []);
ylim([100 800])
grid on
hold off
  3 Kommentare
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi am 25 Dez. 2023
@Salma fathi, I see that you have updated the question, however you have not answered my questions.
Are you running a for loop?
What is ii? If it is 86, then is the output supposed to be 9 figures with 9 subplots and 1 figure with 5 subplots?
Salma fathi
Salma fathi am 25 Dez. 2023
Bearbeitet: Salma fathi am 25 Dez. 2023
Thank you for your comment.
Yes I am using a for loop to plot the output, each iteration will result in a subplot. ii is the number of iterations that we have, i.e. the number of subplots that we have. And you are correct the output would be 9 figures with 9 subplots and 1 figure with 5 subplots.
I am trying to have a shared y-axis for each row of subplots in a figure, and a shared x-axis for each column of subplots.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi am 25 Dez. 2023
A better option would be to use tiledlayout here as you can make shared axis labels and titles -
This is a general idea, you can make changes to it as you like.
for k=1:floor(ii/9)
hFig = figure(k);
t = tiledlayout(3, 3, 'Parent', hFig);
for n=1:9
plot(xss, updatedy, '-x', 'color', "#000000", 'LineWidth', 1)
if ~ismember(n, [1 4 7])
if ~ismember(n, [7 8 9])
title(t, sprintf('Figure %d', k))
ylabel(t, 'Height (km)');
xlabel(t, 'Ne (el/m^3)');

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