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Maximize z in the following linear program:

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Afuaab Koohg
Afuaab Koohg am 24 Sep. 2023
Kommentiert: Torsten am 24 Sep. 2023
I have a question about Linear program
Given A = [1 1; -1 1; 0 -1], b = [10;10;0]
maximize z
subject to A(i) * x + z ≤ b(i) ∀i ∈{2,3}
-A(t) * x + z ≤ -b(t) ∀t ∈{1}
z ≤ 1 \\* or any other constant
  8 Kommentare
Afuaab Koohg
Afuaab Koohg am 24 Sep. 2023
@Torsten: Could you share your code becauise I get
Torsten am 24 Sep. 2023

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