How to do this unusual Fourier transform?
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I am trying to compute a sine transform:
I'm not sure about the non-standard bound of the integral (why it's not infinity???).
Anyway, let's say f_t = rand(40,1). Then,
N = 1000;
omega = logspace(-2,2,N);
for ii = 1:N
f_omega{ii} = omega(ii).*integral(@(t) f_t.*sin(omega(ii).*t),0,2*pi./omega(ii),'ArrayValued',true);
gives a vector of length 40 for each omega, which doesn't seem right to me. I should have just a vector of length N at the end. How do I do this integral? And should it matter what range in t I choose for f(t)?
3 Kommentare
Star Strider
am 25 Aug. 2023
I could not get it to work numerically, even using the non-random sine function for ‘f_t’ so that I could be certain that it had a non-random result. I did the symbolic calculation and plot to see what the correct result would be (sort of like looking in the back of the book to see what the correct answer is).
Antworten (1)
Walter Roberson
am 25 Aug. 2023
Anyway, let's say f_t = rand(40,1).
Let's not say that.
f is a function of t. By saying that f_t = rand(40,1) you are saying that f is constant in t, and is a 40-dimensional (constant) point. When you integrate that, of course you are going to end up with a 40-dimensional result.
5 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 25 Aug. 2023
Using that notation, but with the same functionality as Star Strider already posted:
syms f(t) G(omega) varepsilon_0 e_1
Pi = sym(pi);
f(t) = cos(5*Pi*t)
G(omega) = omega/(varepsilon_0 * Pi) * int((f(t)*e_1) * sin(omega*t), t, 0, 2*Pi/omega);
G = simplify(G, 500)
G_representative = subs(G, {e_1, varepsilon_0}, {1,1})
fplot(G_representative,[0.01 1000])
Ax = gca;
Ax.XScale = 'log';
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