the mass matrix and Jacobian matrix in ode15s

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Tony Cheng
Tony Cheng am 14 Aug. 2023
Kommentiert: Tony Cheng am 21 Aug. 2023
Hi there, I have a set of odes in the form
where M and K are n*n matrixes q is a n*1 vector containing the generalised coordinates, and F is the n*1 generalised force vector.
I am using ode15s to solve this problem. Here I want to ask, are M and K the mass matrix and Jacobian matrix, respectively that should be input in odeset?
Any help is geatly appreciated.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Sam Chak
Sam Chak am 14 Aug. 2023
is the state-dependent mass matrix. Therefore, you can specify the mass matrix using the 'Mass' option of odeset(). However, is not a Jacobian matrix. By the way, please check if the highest degree of the ODE is or .
  13 Kommentare
Torsten am 15 Aug. 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 15 Aug. 2023
"A" might also depend on Q ...
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong am 15 Aug. 2023
Oh yeah correct
d(A(Q)-B(Q)*Q) / dQ

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Weitere Antworten (2)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak am 15 Aug. 2023
Following @Torsten's advice, perhaps showing you an example of obtaining the Jacobian matrix for a 2-DOF rigid robotic manipulator would be the best way for you to learn.
Rearranging the equation to obtain:
syms x1 x2 x3 x4 tau1 tau2
r1 = 1.0; % length of link 1
r2 = 0.8; % length of link 2
m1 = 1.0; % mass of link 1
m2 = 1.5; % mass of link 2
% State vector
x = [x1; % q1
x2; % q2
x3; % q1dot
x4]; % q2dot
% Mass matrix
M11 = (m1 + m2)*r1^2 + m2*r2^2 + 2*m2*r1*r2*cos(x2);
M12 = m2*r2^2 + m2*r1*r2*cos(x2);
M21 = M12;
M22 = m2*r2^2;
M = [M11 M12;
M21 M22]
M = 
% Coriolis matrix
C12 = m2*r1*sin(x2);
C = [-C12*x4 -C12*(x3+x4);
C12*x1 0]
C = 
% Gravity
G1 = (m1 + m2)*r1*cos(x2) + m2*r2*cos(x1 + x2);
G2 = m2*r2*cos(x1 + x2);
G = [G1;
G = 
% Control torque vector
T = [tau1;
% Dynamics in state-space form, xdot = F(x, τ)
ddq = inv(M)*(T - C*[x3; x4] - G);
f1 = x3;
f2 = x4;
f3 = ddq(1);
f4 = ddq(2);
F = [f1;
% Jacobian matrix
J = jacobian(F, x)
J = 
  7 Kommentare
Sam Chak
Sam Chak am 16 Aug. 2023
@Bruno Luong, Thanks for the update on the Jacobian matrix for the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion in matrix form.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Aug. 2023
On August 14, @Tony Cheng commented to @Torsten
Hi Torsten, thx so much for your valuable help! I get the definition of Jacobian matrix now!

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong am 16 Aug. 2023
Bearbeitet: Bruno Luong am 16 Aug. 2023
This script tests the formula with dummy test configuration by comparing with the Jacobian obtained from finite difference:
Jdiff = 6×6
0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 1.9007 -1.0509 -0.9406 -0.0083 -0.0099 -0.0155 -0.4763 3.2214 -0.6506 -0.0057 -0.0068 -0.0107 -0.5330 -0.8133 2.7854 -0.0064 -0.0076 -0.0120
J = 6×6
0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 1.9007 -1.0509 -0.9406 -0.0083 -0.0099 -0.0155 -0.4763 3.2214 -0.6506 -0.0057 -0.0068 -0.0107 -0.5330 -0.8133 2.7854 -0.0064 -0.0076 -0.0120
function runtest
n = 3;
q = rand(n,1);
qd = rand(n,1);
hq = 1e-6;
hqd = 1e-6;
[y, M, K, C, F, dMdq, dKdq, dCdq, dCdqd, dFdq] = odefun(q, qd);
% Compute the Jacobian by finite difference
n = length(q);
Jdiff = zeros(2*n);
for j=1:n
ej = accumarray(j,1,[n 1]);
yq = odefun(q+hq*ej, qd);
yqd = odefun(q, qd+hqd*ej);
Jdiff(:,j) = (yq-y)/hq;
Jdiff(:,n+j) = (yqd-y)/hqd;
% Compute the Jacobian by the formula in the pdf paper
I = eye(n);
z = zeros(n);
qdd = -(M \ (K*q + C*qd - F));
Dq = odot(dMdq,qdd) + odot(dKdq,q) + odot(dCdq,qd) - diag(dFdq);
J = -[z, -I;
M\(K+Dq), M\(C+odot(dCdqd,qd))];
function AB = odot(A,B)
% Implement
% odot = @(A,B) A*kron(eye(width(A)/height(B)), B);
A = reshape(A, size(A,1), size(B,1), []);
AB = pagemtimes(A, B);
AB = reshape(AB, size(A,1), []);
%% Function that simulate the ODE state y = -dQ/dt = -[qdot; qdotdot]
function [y, M, K, C, F, dMdq, dKdq, dCdq, dCdqd, dFdq] = odefun(q, qd)
[M, dMdq] = Mfun(q);
[K, dKdq] = Kfun(q);
[C, dCdq, dCdqd] = Cfun(q, qd);
[F, dFdq] = Ffun(q);
I = eye(size(M));
z = zeros(size(M));
Mtilde = [I, z;
z M];
Ktilde = [z -I;
K C];
Q = [q; qd];
Ftilde = [z(:,1); F];
y = Mtilde \ (Ftilde-Ktilde*Q);
function A = setdiag(v)
n = length(v);
A = zeros(n,n,n);
for k=1:n
A(k,k,k) = v(k);
A = reshape(A, n, n*n);
%% functions that generate Mass, Stiffness, Coriolis and forcing
function [M, dMdq] = Mfun(q)
M = diag(1 + q.^2);
dMdq = setdiag(2.*q);
a = 0.1;
s = a*sum(q.^2);
M = M + s;
n = length(q);
dsdq = 2*a*q;
dsdq = repelem(reshape(dsdq,1,n),n,n);
dMdq = dMdq + dsdq;
function [K, dKdq] = Kfun(q)
K = diag(1 + sqrt(q));
dKdq = setdiag((1/2)./sqrt(q));
a = 0.1;
s = a*sqrt(sum(q.^2));
K = K + s;
n = length(q);
dsdq = a*q./sqrt(sum(q.^2));
dsdq = repelem(reshape(dsdq,1,n),n,n);
dKdq = dKdq + dsdq;
function [C, dCdq, dCdqd] = Cfun(q, qd)
C = 0*diag(sin(q).*cos(qd));
dCdq = 0*setdiag(cos(q).*cos(qd));
dCdqd = 0*setdiag(-sin(q).*sin(qd));
a = 0.1;
b = 1/4;
c = b*sum(qd.^2);
s = a*sin(c);
C = C + s;
n = length(q);
dsdq = 2*a*b*cos(c)*qd;
dsdq = repelem(reshape(dsdq,1,n),n,n);
dCdqd = dCdqd + dsdq;
function [F, dFdq] = Ffun(q)
F = exp(2*q);
dFdq = 2*exp(2*q);
  3 Kommentare
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong am 17 Aug. 2023
Bearbeitet: Bruno Luong am 17 Aug. 2023
Normally the analytic formula is more accurate. In practice I do not think it makes a big difference between analytic formula and finite difference, unless if your ode system has sate vector with large dimension.
In robotics it has about 6 joints no?
It is just fun to derive the Jacobian for such system. Such formula might help to analyze where and when the system becomes singular. The final formula that has the same pattern as the ode, even the intermediate calculation seems messy and technical not easy.
But I'm curious to know if it helps ode15s to set 'Jacobian' in odeset.
Tony Cheng
Tony Cheng am 21 Aug. 2023
Hi Bruno, yeah, it is techanically very difficult to derive the analytical expression of the Jacobian matrix. However, in the ode15 solver, it is said that a Jacobian matrix in odeset is very important for stiff odes. I will try to see if it helps. Hope it can play a critical role in the numerical computation. The size of q in my project is 16. I have no idea that the system is large or moderately large in Matlab. Besides, the matrixes M, C and K are very dense. Many of their entries are very lengthy and complicated.

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