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Output of symoblic expression coming out incorrectly

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
cocopuffs am 11 Apr. 2015
Kommentiert: cocopuffs am 11 Apr. 2015
Hi guys,
I am using the code pasted below with the corresponding output:
syms X w t p
eq = X*cos(w*t - p)
eq =
X*cos(p - t*w)
The output is is reversed it should instead be X*cos(w*t - p). How would I change this?
  1 Kommentar
cocopuffs am 11 Apr. 2015
Roger Stafford is correct. I forgot cos had that property. I graphed my solutions using both configurations and got the same values.
I was thinking about the sin function because the order actually matters. Thank you for clearing that up.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford am 11 Apr. 2015
The two expressions are identically equal for the cosine function, just as t*w and w*t are identically equal because of the commutative law of multiplication. The symbolic toolbox has a tendency to rearrange expressions in accordance with some criteria unknown to us mere mortals, provided the result is still identically equal.
  2 Kommentare
Star Strider
Star Strider am 11 Apr. 2015
One clue is in the documentation for Find a Default Symbolic Variable:
‘If you do not specify an independent variable when performing substitution, differentiation, or integration, MATLAB uses a default variable. The default variable is typically the one closest alphabetically to x or, for symbolic functions, the first input argument of a function. To find which variable is chosen as a default variable, use the symvar(f, 1) command.’
I’m not sure this demystifies, but it helps explain some of the occasionally arcane choices the Symbolic Toolbox makes.
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford am 11 Apr. 2015
Bearbeitet: Roger Stafford am 11 Apr. 2015
Somehow I doubt that a default symbolic variable was involved in this particular instance. It looks like the typical rearrangement that often occurs to symbolic expressions due to - well, call it "simplification" - in this case it put the variables in alphabetical order, but nevertheless following specific rules of equivalence. My own ancient copy of the Symbolic Toolbox often does such peculiar things.

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