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64 bit matlab coder and Visual Studio compiler.

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Tomasz War
Tomasz War am 22 Mär. 2015
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 17 Sep. 2015
Hello. First of all I would like to explain that my English isn't that great, so forgive me any errors.
I’ve got a question about matlab coder. Will coder and embedded coder which come with 64 bit matlab be able to locate and use 32 bit compiler included in MS Visual Studio 2013?, because there is no 64 bit version of Visual Studio or should I install 32 bit matlab to avoid any unnecessary problems?
Best regards.

Antworten (2)

Ken Atwell
Ken Atwell am 23 Mär. 2015
Visual C++ 2013 include a 64-bit compiler, it should work just fine.

Ricardo Sampaio
Ricardo Sampaio am 17 Sep. 2015
I'm having the same problem. The SDK 8.1 doesn't seem to work either. I have both SDK 8.1 and MS Visual Studio 2010 installed on my computer. But when I try to use any of them as a compiler, it doesn't work on my Matlab R2012b. It keeps telling me that "no supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer".
  1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Sep. 2015
SDK 8.1 was not supported for R2012b (or anything earlier than R2015b). You need SDK 7.1 for support. If you are using Windows 10 then You Have A Problem (unless someone has found a solution for some Microsoft bugs.)

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