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Delivering a model based on SimScape blocks to a client which doesn't have it

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hello dear community
I have created a hydraulic model by using SimScape blocks for a task to be delivered to a client. However, the client only has SimuLink, not SimScape. Yet, the client asks for the model itself for using and editing it for the future work relevant to their business so I need to convert it to something that my client can open in their system. The created SimScape model includes check valves, fixed-displacement pumps etc.
Is there any way that I can convert SimScape blocks to something that the client can open and work himself without buying the SimScape blocks? I am thinking to write a MATLAB script from scratch (By defining the mathematical flow equations of the pump, pipilines etc.) for the whole SimScape model that I created but it seems to be a quiet cumbersome work.
What would you recommend?
Thanks in advance!

Antworten (1)

Rohit am 24 Feb. 2023
Hi Kenan,
It is possible for client to open and run the model with Simscape blocks if you first use Simulink Coder to generate C/C++ code and give that to client. Editing the original model and blocks will not be possible in this case without Simscape license. Possible workaround is to convert Simscape blocks into valid mathematical equations in Simulink.


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