How to use quiver correctly?
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I have data include speed,direction(0-360 degree) and time series.((see attached 'quiver_input.csv')
I do not know how to apply quiver to my current data correctly.
I use the code as below:
filename = 'quiver_input.csv';
delimiter = ',';
startRow = 1;
formatSpec = '%s%f%f%f%[^\n\r]';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'EmptyValue' ,NaN,'headerlines', startRow-1,'ReturnOnError', false);
WDate = datenum(dataArray{1});
Spd = dataArray{2};
Spd(isnan(Spd)) = 0;
Dir(isnan(Dir)) = 0;
t = WDate;
u = Spd.*cos(Dir);
v = Spd.*sin(Dir);
q = quiver(t,t*0,u,v);
The stick plot is not correect.(see attached 'quiver_output.png')
All help would be greatly appreciated. Jin
0 Kommentare
Antworten (4)
am 6 Okt. 2022
T = readtable('') ;
WDate = datenum(T.(1));
Spd = T.(2) ;
Dir = T.(3) ;
Spd(isnan(Spd)) = 0;
Dir(isnan(Dir)) = 0;
t = WDate;
u = Spd.*cosd(Dir);
v = Spd.*sind(Dir);
q = quiver(t,t*0,u,v);
6 Kommentare
William Rose
am 6 Okt. 2022
I use v=wspd*cosd(wdir) because in quiver, v is the y component (up down) and u is the x component (right left). When wdir=0, I want a vector with u=0, v=wdir, i.e. a straight up vector. When wdir=90, I want a u=wdir, v=0, i.e. vector pointing right.
The basic issue is that compasses have 0 degrees on the y axis, but our convention for measuring angles on the plane is put zero on the +x axis.
William Rose
am 6 Okt. 2022
The code below makes a plot like the plot you posted, which you said you want to mimic.
This code does not use quiver, because of the problems with quiver which I demonstrated in my previous answer.
%T = readtable('quiver_input.csv');
T = readtable('quiver_input2.csv'); %shorter file for testing
Spd = T.(2) ;
Dir = T.(3) ;
N=length(Spd); %number of values
Spd(isnan(Spd)) = 0;
Dir(isnan(Dir)) = 0;
u = Spd.*sind(Dir);
v = Spd.*cosd(Dir);
subplot(211), plot(T.(1),Spd,'-b'); ylabel('Speed')
subplot(212), plot(T.(1),Dir,'b.'); ylabel('Direction'); ylim([0 360])
t = tiledlayout(1,1);
ax1 = axes(t);
%The next plot is made to generate an x-axis. The data is not important.
plot(ax1,T.(1),zeros(size(T.(1))),'-w') %white for invisible data
ax1.YAxisLocation = 'right'; %y-axis 1 on right
ax1.YColor = 'w'; %white to hide y-axis 1
ax1.XColor = 'k'; %x-axis 1 is at bottom and is black
ax2 = axes(t); %create a second pair of axes
% Choose xaxmax to get approximately equal scaling for u and v.
% The factor 2.4 below is derived as follows:
% I expect the y range (for v values) to be 2*max(abs(v)), because I expect the
% most negative and most positive v values will be apprximately equal,
% for a large wind sample. I want x range ~= 1.2 times yrange,
% because Matlab plots seem to be about 20% longer than tall. Therefore this
% choice for xmax will give approximately equal scaling to x and y.
% This will cause wind vectors to be plotted at their true angles.
% I will use axis equal to to make sure the scalin is exactly equal.
% This initial guess for x range gets me in the right ballpark.
x=0:xaxmax/(N-1):xaxmax; %N equally spaced values
for i=1:N %loop to plot the wind arrows
hold on
axis equal %assure u,v have equal scaling
xlim([0,xaxmax]); %range of x values must line up with date-times
ax2.XAxisLocation = 'top'; %x axis 2 on top
ax2.XColor = 'w'; %white to hide x-axis 2
ax2.YAxisLocation = 'left'; %y axis 2 at left, color=black by default
ax1.Box = 'off';
ax2.Box = 'off';
ylabel('Wind Speed')
Compare the wind speed and direction in the top pair of plots to the wind vectors in the bottom plot. They are consistent.
Wind vectors at the left and right edges may be cut off. A possible cure for this would be to add some wind values of zero for dates before and dates after the date range plotted, before making the plot. This would expand the plotting region horizontally and result in less cut off at left and right edges.
7 Kommentare
William Rose
am 7 Okt. 2022
Bearbeitet: William Rose
am 7 Okt. 2022
[edit typos]
@Jin Hung. I viewed the plot of the quiver_input2 data at the site you provided. It appears that this plot was generated with my code. A careful anaysis of this plot shows that the code is working as desired. I analyzed one southwesterly wind vector near the end of the plot, because it is distinct from its neighbors. The image below shows a marked-up screenshot from The u and v components on the plot are (-1.86,-2.90). The corresponding wspd and wdir in the csv file are (3.443,212.7,6.26). A simple polar to Cartesian transformtion shows that the u and v on the plot are consistent with the data in the text file. Therefore we have confirmed that the plotted u and v are correct. I also measured the pixel locations of the vector. The ratio of y pixels/x pixels=1.553, and the ratio u/v=1.559. This constitutes perfect agreement, given that the pixel numbers are rounded to integers. This indicates that plot aspect ratio is correct: a 45 degree wind vector will appear at 45 degrees on the plot. That is excellent.

We should also confirm that dates/times on the horizontal axis are correct. The thirteenth value in the file is at 2022-09-25 0000. The screen shot below shows that a vertical line from the base of the thirteenth vector intesects the date-time axis in the center of the 'Sep 25' label. This is exactly what we want and expect. I also counted across another 24 vectors and added vertical lines from the base of the (13+24)th vector and from the base of the (13+48)th vector. These correspond to 1 day and 2 days later. These vertical red lines also intersect the date-time axis in the center of the respective labels. This is excellent. It shows that the wind vectors are positioned at the correct horizontal locations on the plot.

William Rose
am 7 Okt. 2022
I see from the web page address for the plot that you are at NTU. Please send me a secure email by clicking on the envelope that will appear in the pop-up window when you click on the "WR" circle for my posts.
William Rose
am 6 Okt. 2022
I am mostly copying the code of @KSSV. I am trying to make a plot like the oe you want to mimic. @KSSV's code gives an arrow that points right (+x) when the direction is 0, and points up (+y) when the direction is 90. I want the opposite, so I have flipped cosd and sind. I use axis equal to prevent unequal scaling of u and v. I turn off arrowheads, since the plot you shared did not have arrowheads.
T = readtable('quiver_input.csv') ;
wdate = datenum(T.(1));
Spd = T.(2) ;
Dir = T.(3) ;
Spd(isnan(Spd)) = 0;
Dir(isnan(Dir)) = 0;
t = wdate;
u = Spd.*sind(Dir);
v = Spd.*cosd(Dir);
axis equal
axis equal %bigger wind
axis equal %turn off autoscale
None of the three plots above are aceptable, because the arrows are too short to see, and because the y-axis scale does not correctly indicate wind speed. I also tried using yyaxis right before quiver, to put the (incorrect) y axis on the right. I was hoping that then I could add an axis to correctly indicate wind speed on the left. But when you use yyaxis right and/or yyaxis left, the axis equal command does not work.
2 Kommentare
indika kathaluwa weligamage
am 30 Sep. 2023
Dear William Rose
It is Very useful cord.
I used this. It was successful.
Many thanks
Kind Regard, INDIKA

William Rose
am 1 Okt. 2023
You are welcome. Thank you for your kind comment.
Rupak Loodh
am 3 Aug. 2023
you may use scale:
scale_factor = 0.2;
axis equal
grid on
1 Kommentar
indika kathaluwa weligamage
am 1 Okt. 2023
Dear Rupak Loodh
Thank your instructions. When using scale factor and axis equal is shows as following. How can we remove unnessesory graph area (x axis -150 to 150). It is important to add this plot to a report and interpritation. Highly appriciate your instructions. Iam expect as
Kind Regard, INDIKA

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